An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) on Wednesday (Mar 16) issued guidelines on the use of the name and image of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
"Since the passing of our founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, individuals and organisations have come forward to commemorate him in different ways," the ministry said.
Following a review looking at ways to encourage the "appropriate use" of the name and image of Mr Lee, MCCY laid out the following broad guidelines:
The name or image or likeness of Mr Lee Kuan Yew may be used for purposes of identifying with the nation, including on works of art or publications or items for charitable purposes, in accordance with law.
The name or image or likeness of Mr Lee Kuan Yew should be accorded dignity and respect.
The name or image or likeness of Mr Lee Kuan Yew should not be used for commercial exploitation or be assumed or taken to indicate any kind of official endorsement of products or services.
Asked what happens if the guidelines are not adhered to, MCCY said it will continue to monitor the use of Mr Lee's name and image. "We believe individuals will accord appropriate respect to the memory of Mr Lee and will give feedback on individual cases," a spokesperson said, adding that it could review a need for legislation in the future.
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