An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Went to the bank to update some details and was approach by the RO/RM asking if interested for some high yield products. Out of curiousity, said yes, and was given the run through on this product.
Details was on FB, Yahoo and apple shares prices where the term "run in" and "run out" was used.
If recall correctly, under Yahoo, if price is above the run out price, ie, US$20, you will be paid the dividend, not sure if it is quarterly or semi annually. However, if it goes below US20, then not sure what happens next, wasn't really paying attention but roughly understand it will affect your principal.
Same goes for FB share and Apple share to trigger.
Payout is quite attractive, if recall correctly, at above 8 to 10%.
Saw on the forms its under UBS name.
Anyway, not really interested as understand the buy in needed is at least 50k or 100k and the payout seems too good to be true.
Any forrumers under what this is? orhave came across it?.
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