An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
1. MAS staff are suspected of being involved with global currency fixing 2. Familee's relatives and inner circle have US passports so that they can set up shell companies in BVI,Caymans, Mauritius, Malta, Seychelles for "investment laundering" 3. Interpol and Europol have been asking Leegime to extradite the world's mastermind of football match fixing for more than three years 4. Dan Tan Seet Eng's real bosses are a Sinkie closely related to Leegime and two princelings in Cheena 5. MAS has refused to investigate and prosecute Trust Portcullis for helping billionaires from US, Europe and Russia to evade taxes in their home countries. Much later we learn the real reason: a few unnamed shareholders of Trust Portcullis are related to Familee 6. A Temasick subsidiary in Seoul was fined by a Korean court for dishonesty 7. LKY chartered an SIA plane to ferry his wife from Engrand to Sinkapore Sinkapore is like PRC and North Korea in this respect. News are heavily censored.
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