An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Singapore's neighbour the Philippines just suffered a devastating earth quake today, death roll is rising. Singapore should quickly send our SCDF and maybe SAF soldiers to help rescue victims and clear debris after all what are neighbours for right?
Also I suggest Singapore Red Cross and all the charity organization should start donation drive to help them don't forget some of the victims are family members of fellow workers here in Singapore, MOM should spearhead this donation drive.
All religious organizations should organize virgils and prayers for the victims both dead and affected. Singapore should rise up in this special occasion to be the leader in this SEAsian community to help them after all we are so rich and can always afford to.
Philippine quake death toll rises to 73: Authorities
CEBU (AFP) - A powerful earthquake killed at least 73 people on Tuesday as it tore down modern buildings, destroyed historic churches and triggered terrified stampedes across popular tourist islands in the Philippines.
Fifteen of the confirmed fatalities were in Cebu, the country's second most important city and a gateway to some of its most beautiful beaches, the national disaster agency reported.
The 7.1-magnitude quake killed another 57 people in the neighbouring island of Bohol, famed for its rolling "Chocolate Hills", while one other person died on nearby Siquijor, which attracts tourists with its pristine white sands.
"I was thrown to the ground by the strength of the quake. Broken glass rained on me," Mr Elmo Alinsunorin, a guard for a government tax office in Cebu, told AFP. "I thought I was going to die."
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