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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Hi there,
just realized how high the temperature in Shanghai is. Next week I will be in Shanghai again. After some attemps I have to admit that most of the internet advertisements are just to get your call. The girls are not real and are not available. So you never know what will happen... On the other hand it would be so comfortable to have some upfront information given by some websites. Is there really no website available with reliable information? And, as I will stay in Pudong near ZhangYang Rd., is there any location to be recommended? Any ideas or experiences made are very appreciated. ![]() It's my first post here (yes, I used the search-function...) and I really happy that I have found such a forum. ![]() regards, Klaus |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Went to G18 the other and it was closed for Expo! Damn..
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
I'll be in Shanghai till Jul and I'm a newbie, do let me know if any of you are planning an outing and I'll be happy to tag along.
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
I found some info from another web forum and it was posted 2 years back. Just to share in case some are still valid and may want to try. I practically copy and paste
Good Luck. Cheers (Part 1) ============================ Hangpu district (黄埔区) Wugong (吳宮大酒店) Address: 431 Fuzhou road (福州路431号, close 山西路) Business time:untill 2:00am Environment: ☆☆☆ Free item: a cup of tea Number of Girls: 6 Girl selection: one by one Service: (tongue massage,Breast massage,BJ,DL,FS,) section tiem: 30-45min Price: 500 Safety Level: ☆☆☆ Wuhui district 徐汇区 Gezhi (鴿子=pigeon) Address Fuhuazheng road (法華鎮路靠近定西路)(交大校區對面) Business time: 12:30pm-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆☆ Free item: a cup of tea Number of Girls: 8) Girl selection: Lineup Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,KJ,FS section tiem: 30-45min Price: 500 or 550 Safety Level: ☆☆☆ Jingxuan (金轩大酒店) Address 238 E. Nandan road (南丹東路238号) (Close to 漕西路) Business Time: 13:00pm – 2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆ Nap room: ☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: free drinks but not sure for snacks Number of Girls: not sure Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: I forgot it but not rush Price: 600 Safety Level: don’t know Wave (海浪会所) Add:1277 W. Zhongshan road (the add may wrong checked by cking) Business Time:?? - till 2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆☆ Number of Girls: about 20 Girl selection: one by one Service: (tongue massage,Breast massage,RIM,BJ,FS,red rope) section tiem: 90min/two section Price: 700/90min get discount for others free Qingshan 青山会所 (日式桑拿) 999 Tanyaoqiao road (天钥桥路999号) Business time:13:00pm-2:00am, List price:580 Tangzhidu 汤之都 (日式桑拿) 238 E. Nadan road inside of Jingxuan hotel(南丹东路238号金轩大酒店5楼) transportaton:92,subway-#1 汤岛会所 1099 Wuzhong road B2 (吴中路1099号2号楼1-5楼, close万源路) transportation: 中卫线,87 Business Time:12:00pm-3:00am List Price:700 Atlantic 7M (大西洋7M) 2018 Huashan road (华山路2018号) 545 Liuzhou road (柳洲路545号)(普陀区) fish tank, 760/service. But I herd the service is not good. Jietian 吉田会所(日式桑拿) 737 N. Chaoxi road (漕溪北路737号) Baiwanshi 百万石 8 Wuzhong road inside of Jinghui Hotel 4th F (吴中路8号锦辉宾馆4F) Yuanzhun 元尊會所 Intersect at Xietu and Nandan road in 3rd floor (斜土路南丹路口) 600, 90 min/two section; three girls each time until you satisfied. soupland service one hour. Than followed tongue massage, rim, FS,ISOstandard,LOL. huatian 花田会所 439 N. chaoxi road, in Jianguo hotel 5F (漕溪北路439号建国宾馆5楼) 南部大酒店会所 515 Longhua west road, 15F (龙华西路515号15F) 金鼎VIP桑拿会所 intersect at Liuzhou and Chaobao road (柳州路漕宝路口) 580/before evening +400 for two girls a friend of my tell me that #66and #99 are sisters. 热海温泉沙龙 333 Zhaojiabang road, B1 (肇嘉浜路333号B1座(大木桥路交差)) MY、DL、BJ、BH、XT、ML、Soapland. free drink VIP 600/75min;none-VIP 680/75min |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Part 2
Jingan district 静安区 Jieyuan 吉原会所(日式桑拿) 609 Jiaozhou road 胶州路609号 everyone know it here I think Shuyiquan 舒怡泉 825 Yananzhong road (延安中路825号, close威海路) transportation:925,71,127 12:00pm-2:00am 600/90min, red rope include. no soupland service. Shengtao 申涛苑(日式桑拿) 468 N. Wulumuji road S32 (乌鲁木齐北路468弄32号) 650 before 5pm 金顶会所(日式桑拿) 1185 Wuding west road, 3F (武定西路1185号3F) fish tank selection, mirror all over the room, red rope. 650/75min before 18:00, 60min after Yuanshu 原宿会所(日式桑拿) 209 N. Wulumuji road in 5th floor (乌鲁木齐北路209号5f) room too small. Service not good Tangtian 汤田会所(日式桑拿) in this forum other name is “shanghai sauna” 505 N. Wulumuji road 乌鲁木齐北路505号上海宾馆2F Tongxiyuan 同沁苑(日式桑拿) 2579 Wanhangdu road (万航渡路2579号) Fuyuan 富原会所(change name to 福原) add: 587 Changshou road 4F I just checked on someday in Aug,2007. they have huge room number. (I got at room #150) and every thing looks new. but the girls are too new -- I mean they lack of training. service skill is just 4 of 10 in shanghai. Yutian 裕田 433 Yuyuan road (愚园路433号) which is said have higher price but low quality. Zhihuiquan 智慧泉 488 Wuning road 5th floor (武宁南路488号5f) Long Happy 长乐 401 Changshou road top floor (长寿路401号顶楼) high skill service but girls are not good looking. Sun Island 太阳岛浴场 Address: 317 Changping road (昌平路317号) Hongkong, thai and Korea style massage. 1030/server. XingHaitao 新海涛苑 万航渡路623弄85号 550 before 19:00pm Kanglong 康隆会所 495 Jiangning road 3rd floor (江宁路495号 3F) new open. Kanglong 康隆会所 495 Jiangning road 3rd floor (江宁路495号 3F) new open Jingyuan 锦苑会所 1339 Changde road (常德路1339号 inside 金昌大酒店1F) Meishan 美山会所 1088 Wuding road 2F, 武定路1088号阳光科技大厦2楼 Soapland 580 Chanhuayuan 燦花園 1200 Nanjing west road. (静安区南京西路1200号) VIP488/120min Baishenyuan 安化路百盛源会所 85 Anhua road (安化路85号江苏路口) Soapland, FS, Rim, BBBJ 4 girls each time selection Time:14:00pm--02:00am Price: 760 Nanyuan (thanks the information from phredinmobile) 580 Nanjing west road (南京西路580号, the same building as 淘宝城) 6F |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Part 3
Luwan district 卢湾区 Alagong 阿拉宮(新淮海) Address intersection of Fuxing road and shunchang road (复兴路, 顺昌路) Business Time: 12:30-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: a cup of tea Number of Girls: 30 Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS,) section time: 30-45min Price: 600 Safety Level: ☆☆☆☆ Thomson 湯姆生 Address: 1 Dapuqiao road 4th floor in Jingyulan(打浦路1号金玉兰广场四楼) Business Time: 12:30-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆☆ Free item: none Number of Girls: 20 Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: 30-45min Price: 700,VIP800 Safety Level: ☆☆☆ Dream 夢×桑拿 Address: Xiamen road (廈門路) Business Time:2:00pm – 2:00 am Bath facility: ☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Number of Girls: not sure Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage、Rim、red rope、BJ、FS、fire and ice) section time: 30-45min Price: 600 Safety Level: ☆☆☆ KING'CORNER 皇宫会所(日式桑拿) 77 Songshan road 嵩山路77号上海皇宫 (近淮海中路) List Price:600 Business Time:14:00pm-3:00am Poor Facility and service Boduo 博多会所(日式桑拿) 645 Xietu road 4th floor(斜土路645号4F) new open highly recommended. I just got there in last month. detail see my another post. 惠宾源会所 92-3 Dapuqiao road 打浦路92-3号( close to xietu road) phone:51527058 600/90min FS, BBBJ, rim, red rope, rolling ball. Minghang District 闵行区 Souwuliya 首烏麗亞酒店3樓SN (4星酒店) Jinglishi 金力士 1099 Wuzhong road (吴中路1099号) 580RMB Yongtian 永田 638 Wuzhong road 2nd floor (吴中路638号2楼(close虹许路) 700 before 19:00pm Mingdu 名都城 788 Hongxu road (虹许路788号) Datangyujing 大唐雨景 3125 Hongmei road (虹梅路3125号) Zhabei District 闸北区 Longhu 龍湖桑拿 Address: intersect at Zhongxing and Baochang road (中興路寶昌路口) Business Time: 12:30-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: tea Number of Girls: 10 Girl selection:one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: 30-45min Price: 500 Safety Level: ☆☆☆ Qianchao 淺草溫泉浴場 Add:Gongkang road station (共康路站出來就是) Business Time:bath 24 hours (massage till 2:00am) Girl selection:one by one Service:tongue massage,red rope,BJ,RIM,FS section time: 60min Price:550 Yunding 云顶 511 Tianmu west road (天目西路511号) Zhongya Hotel 中亚饭店 330 Meiyuan road close to railroad station 梅园路330号(火车站南广场) Hongkou District 虹口區 Qiuzhi 秋子沐浴城 Address: inter at Gaoyang and E. Yuhang road (高陽路東餘杭路) Business Time: 12:30-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: a cup of tea Number of Girls: 8 Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: 30-45min Price: 380 Yongquan 湧泉浴室(change to Gaoyang 高陽) Address: inter at Gaoyang and Zhoujiazhun road (高陽路周家嘴路) Business Time: 12:30-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: tea Number of Girls: 8 Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS,red rope. section time: 30-45min Safety Level: ☆☆☆ review:similar like Qiuzhi Xingjing 鑫金桑拿 Address: Zhapu road 乍浦路(close to Ninghai road 海寧路 )in basement Business Time: 12:30-2:00 am Bath facility: ☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆(big) Free item: tea Number of Girls: 6 Girl selection: one by one. May be lineup in afternoon Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS,red rope section time: 30-45min Price: 500(or 400) Safety Level: ☆☆☆ Hawaii 夏葳夷桑拿 Address: 721 Quyang road close to N. zhongshan road (曲陽路中山北二路),曲陽商務中心對面。 Business Time: 13:00-2:00 am Bath facility: ☆☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆☆ (single room) VIP room: ☆☆☆(too dark,room and bed too small) Free item: drink and snack Number of Girls: 30 Girl selection: one by one Service: fire and ice, tongue massage,Breast massage,RIM,BJ, no red rope section time: 90min (45min decent massage) Price: 645 Safety Level: ☆☆☆☆ Chunzhi 春子沐浴 Address: 230 4th Guangling road (广灵四路230號) close to Huidian road 水電路 Business Time: noon to 1:00am ??? Bath facility: ☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: tea Number of Girls: 20 Girl selection: one by one Service: FS、BJ、RIM、fire and ice、tongue massage section time: 30-45min Price: 398 (no any other fee) Safety Level: ☆☆☆☆ |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Part 4 (END)
Yangpu District 杨浦区 Wangjiao 旺角 SN Add: inter at Tieling and Fushun road (鐵嶺路撫順路) Business Time:-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆ Number of Girls: not sure Girl selection: one by one Service: BJ+RIM+FIY (FS depends) section time: 90min/two section Price: 580/two section Tianchi 上海天池 Address: inter at Changyang and Linqing road長陽路臨清路 Business Time: 24hour Bath facility:☆☆☆☆ Nap room:☆☆☆☆ VIP room:☆☆☆☆(newer room) Number of Girls:not sure Girl selection:one by one Service:soupland, Breast massage, not sure for others Price: 380,580 Safety Level: ☆☆☆☆ Changning district 长宁区 YP 玉屏(日式桑拿) 448 zhunyi road 遵义路448号 everyone know it in this forum 同伈苑 Address: 2579 wanhangdu road (万航渡路2579号,close婁山關路) Business Time: 12:30pm-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆☆ (single room) VIP room: ☆☆☆☆ Free item: snack and drink Number of Girls: about 20 Girl selection: one by one(but can not over three) Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: 30-45min forum.timway.com9Z#B | B1{ C x x ];@ Price: 550 Safety Level: ☆☆☆☆ Tongxingyuan 同沁苑休闲会所 Add:intersect at changning and loushanguan road (长宁路娄山关路口) Business Time:8.25 service:BJ MY FS Breast massage, rim, fire and ice, BBBJUTIM Business Time:看到的差不20个左右,房间里还有在做的(哈哈,具体几个I don’t know) environment:95 price: 580 Tongrenyuan 同仁苑 Address: Duzhuanbang road (东诸安滨路) Business Time: 12:30-2:00am Bath facility: ☆☆ Nap room: ☆☆☆(single) VIP room: ☆☆☆ Free item: drink Number of Girls: about 10 Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: 45min Price: 580 Safety Level: ☆☆☆☆ Lantianhaixing 藍天星海 Address: intersect at Fanyu and Yanan road (番禺路延安路口) Business Time: 12:30pm-overnight Bath facility: ☆☆(old) Nap room: ☆☆☆ VIP room: ☆☆☆☆ Free item: 無 Number of Girls: 10 Girl selection: one by one Service: tongue massage,RIM,Breast massage,BJ,FS section time: 45min Price: 600 Safety Level: ☆☆☆ Fuduyuan 富都源 (it is said by cking that this place only have coffee shop) Add: Xuanhua road close to Dingxi road 6th floor. 宣化路靠近定西路(opposite of DIO Coffee 迪歐咖啡館)在6樓(free parking) Business Time:全天 Free item:snack/drink/fruits Bath facility:☆☆☆☆ Nap room:☆☆☆☆ VIP room:☆☆☆☆ Number of Girls:about 20 Girl selection:one by one Service:tongue massage、RIM、BJ、FS(big mirror) section time:60min/sectionf Price:600(mon-fri),500(sat,sun) Safety level:☆☆☆☆☆ Recommend#: 26, 16,19(29changhainese) Haitao 海濤園sn Add:Kaixuan road close anshun road 凱旋路靠近安順路(next to gas station) Business Time:Whole day Free item:none Bath facility:☆☆ Nap room:☆☆☆ VIP room:☆☆☆(+)-clean Number of Girls:about 10 Girl selection:one by one Service:tongue massage、RIM、BJ、FS section time:2hours(first hour massage,2nd hour FS) Price:500元 Safety level:☆☆☆☆(opened 3 years) Blue Creek 蓝溪温泉 718 Shuicheng road (水城路718号) Jingsa 金萨(日式桑拿) 437 Xianxia road 2nd floor (仙霞路437号2楼) Tangzhixiang 汤之乡(日式桑拿) 447 Honggu road (虹古路447号) 9 o’clock 9 点钟会所(日式桑拿) 485 Anlong road (安龙路485号) Bilihu 碧丽湖(日式桑拿) 50 Jingzhu road (金珠路50号) Trans:57,911,925,936(get off at: Caihong stop 彩虹区站下车) free: drink, snack 680/60min. credit card Yunshan spring 云山温泉 3911 Hongmei road 4th floor (虹梅路3911号4f) trans: 48,757(get off Yan-an west road stop 延安西路下車徒歩1分) 550-800 Zhongtian 中田会所(日式桑拿) 8 Xingyi road B1(兴义路8号) similar like JY but better service 850rmb Royal silver spring 皇家银泉 160 tianshanzhi road (天山支路160号) VIP 698/90min;other 750/90min, Rim、BJ、FS、sexy dancing、costume Xiangmihu 香密湖 299 Fahuazhen road (法华镇路299号) Beiguozichun 北国之春 959 Xianxia road 仙霞路959号 Xingye 鑫业会所 996-45 Hongqiao road 虹桥路996弄45号 Zhuliu Sauna 主流桑拿 388 Hami road 哈密路388号(波桃湾大酒店1F) Beihaiyuan 北海源 157 Wuyi road 武夷路157号 TianbaoJingquan 天宝锦泉 682 Wuzjong road 9-10F 吴中路682号金虹广场9-10楼 Jintai 金泰会所 59 Gubeironghua west Blv. 古北荣华西道59号 Yinghe Hotel 银河宾馆 888 Zhongshan west road 中山西路888号 Dazhongmeiling 大衆美林閣会所 699 Wuzhong road 呉中路699号 Shengquan 神泉桑拿休閑会所 500 Wuzhong road 吴中路500号 600-800 Fu tian 福田桑拿会所 Yanan west road closed to Tianshan road 延安西路 靠近天山路(not remember detail add) 600-800 神泉会所 吴中路500号香蜜湖大酒店4楼 fire&ice, tongue massage, BJ, red rope, FS 680rmb Baishen 百盛会所 Anhua road close to Jingsu road 安化路,从江苏路小转弯进 5 girls each selection. 650rmb Xiaoding 小町 371 Furongjinag road 长宁区芙蓉江路371号 680/Sea bus; Guiyaun 贵园会馆 3000 Yanan west road 延安西路3000号虹梅路口(森晟世洋国际广场右侧1F) Bus:48,915,806,91,911 70min/section time 12:00pm-3:00am Shangri-la Club 香格里拉 706 Shuicheng road 水城路706号 Bus:71,72,121,127(stop at:水城路站,then about 10 min working) 400-1000VIP Jiryaun 3 吉原桑拿会所3--highly recommended 418 Wuzhong road 吴中路418号 phone:021-54774725 VIP 790/80-90min;others 880/80min Tongue massage, rim, BJ, FS、XXX video, Soapland, sexy dancing, costume, rolling ball. Putuo District 普陀区 Beihaidao 北海道会所 338 ningxia road 3rd floor across bai yu road (宁夏路338号3楼) review: JP style 75miniutes,not bad, new open,worth trying. Qingshuiwan hotel 19F, 清水湾大酒店19F 1305 Xuanbei road 旋北路1305号清水湾大酒店19F. Trans: Subway3、4 get off at Jingshajiang road, then working about 3min, 金沙江路 下車徒歩3分 680, 650 before 6:00pm Ganghong 港鸿 501 Wuning road 2F, 武宁路501号2F Difu 帝赋苑 277-289 Lanxi road 兰溪路277-289号 they have decent sauna, if you want special service must go 5th floor. 720/75min Pudong new area 浦东新区 Siyuan 思源会所 818 Zhangyang road (张杨路818号) poor service Mingdian 名殿会所(changed the name to Mingting名庭) (日式桑拿) 1085 S. Pudong road 5th floor (浦东南路1085号5F) very busy.better to be there in afternoon. Skill: 90. Menghailonggong 梦海龙宫 Inside of Dongjiang hotel (东锦江宾馆) Girls are good looking. Golden dream 金色圆梦圆 800 Giongfang road, inside of hotel 5th floor 东方路800号(宝安大酒店5F) subway2 get off at Shijian Blv exit #1 世间大道站下车1号出口 300-1012RMB 皇和浴场 1068 Gaosi road 张江镇高斯路1068号 FS, tongue massage, fire&ice, rim, sexy dancing. 488RMM 浦东龍灝會所 interest at Dujuan road and Yulan road 杜鵑路玉蘭路 650-750rmb Zhixing 知芯會所 10xx Laoshan west road 崂山西路10XX號,intersect at Weifang and Zhangyang road 濰坊路和張揚路中間 |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Hi weeklys,
I am a newbie here. Thanks for all the information on shanghai. I am now in shanghai with my family staying at the Charms Hotel near Nanjing walking st. So, only can have massage services not sauna. Behind the hotel has a few massage shop along Hankuo road, do they offer HJ ? Any brother who has try these few massage shop please advise? Thx. |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
菩提本无树,明净亦非台 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃 什么是舍得?舍得是必须先舍而后得。 |
I have been laid low for a long time, and am finally making a cumback! Can anyone share latest on status in Shanghai? Hear a lot of places are closed, and some have gone legal. You can PM me if don't want to put it online here. LE can be watching. The Traveller |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Hi bros, i'll be in Shanghai during the last week of May (24th - 27th).
Wondering if any of you bros in SH are cool to hang out. Am game to cheong sauna/clubs. |
Re: ShangHai Recommendation!
Will be in town for 1 week. I was thinking of visiting Mingdian (near Yaohan) or ¾ÁÔ´ÐÝÏлáËù since it is reputed to be good.
Anyone visited these places so far since the expo ? Business as usual ? |
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