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Old 18-12-2005, 10:10 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dickster
Greetings all,

i get them from the amulet shop at amk ave 5 blk 523 and some from a dealer from an amulet forum.

Bro.. that shop got stainless steel or those silver casing with carvings? .. I always go Benlene at FLS but it's too far from my place... AMK is much much nearer... thinking about going there to bao my amulets leh...
Old 18-12-2005, 10:39 PM
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Thai Amulets...

Amk workmanship is good compared to tjose bugis shops.
Old 18-12-2005, 11:07 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dickster
Greeting to all,

wah,today go down get Sangkachai amulet from that shop with one of my bro, heng heng after that we go buy 4d,i say no inspiration, my bro give me 2812 ,then i buy 2812 kana consolation, regain the price of my amulet + plastic casing . lolz
dun knwo is my bro lucky or my Sangkachai giving me luck

Bro, the Sangkachai you mentioned is it the fat and smiling buddha that is suppose to bring luck?

I have a pendant/amulet of the buddha with one of his palm open and there is a tiger below him. Made of bronze but encased with gold and was from Thailand.

I have been wearing this for about 6-7 yrs and it was given to me by a Thai friend.

I dont have much knowledge about Thai amulets. I wear the pendent everywhere I go and take it off whenever I reach home or before I get into bed when cheonging.

Any advice for me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Old 18-12-2005, 11:40 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Greetings to all,

yup bro insanity,yes bro The Renegade, the shop have such casing but i sugest that u should go for water proofing ur amulets rather than steel casing if ur amulet is made of clay or powder. U know moist or leaked in sweat can spoil ur amulet or cause fungi to grow. Heard from someone b4 that his amulet damm power cos it can change color as time passes from black to white. but when i meet him. i realised is hmmm i just say things b4 hand hoh, i am in no way related to this shop or watever . Just mentioning it cos it is a convenient way for bros in the north area and the cost of amulets ae quite reasonable.

I bought a metal necklace to put amulet last time from FLS which and can put only one amulet , i got chop on the head for paying 18 dollars. where else i got a necklace also stainless steel longer can put 9 amulets only for 10(up 12 , i also bought some amulets and have them wrapped up thus the boss charge me cheaper)from this amk shop.

Old 19-12-2005, 01:01 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Yo... All samster Bro,

Need all yr expertise on which amulets that gives authority, power. Any recommendation. If possible, provide the cost $$
Old 19-12-2005, 01:32 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Yo... All samster Bro,

Need all yr expertise on which amulets that gives authority, power. Any recommendation. If possible, provide the cost $$
for authority and power i guess those with images of tiger, lion, garuda (u see all the thai govt symbols, etc can understand liao) would be some which you might consider, as for cost, it ranges from affordable to collectible expensive depending on which monk, etc.
why not you state your budget out so bros can help you?
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Old 19-12-2005, 02:33 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Greetings to all,

hmm i have make this clear.. amulets only enhence not say can make u "wo di" , untouchable or wat ever so. if u want authority and respect work for it. Do good karma and u will reap good benifits too. u can try wat i have being doing, mdoing one good karmatic action every day , if not chance then go home chant da bei zhou 5 times. if u carry amulets that contains tiger or so.. ur temper might flared according to some bros. Get a kun peng lah.. it works wonders.with little effort, u get into ppl good books easily, of course still need some effort.

Old 19-12-2005, 02:50 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dickster
Greetings to all,

hmm i have make this clear.. amulets only enhence not say can make u "wo di" , untouchable or wat ever so. if u want authority and respect work for it. Do good karma and u will reap good benifits too. u can try wat i have being doing, mdoing one good karmatic action every day , if not chance then go home chant da bei zhou 5 times. if u carry amulets that contains tiger or so.. ur temper might flared according to some bros. Get a kun peng lah.. it works wonders.with little effort, u get into ppl good books easily, of course still need some effort.

i find your post very interesting.=)
If wearing KP works wonders, then what does it enhance?
And if some effort is needed to get into ppl's good books, then does it mean that some effort is needed as well to flare up a wearer's temper?

In any case, thanks for sharing.=D
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Old 19-12-2005, 05:53 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

any bros into sak yant as well..?
Old 19-12-2005, 02:43 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Greetings to all

Lolz bro slippers, what i mean is that one cannot wear special amulets and sit down no need to do any stuff and expect good results. For my statement on kp doing wonders is like i just do some small actions then i get unexpected good feedbacks. As for the tiger issue, it just that alot of ppl say liao wear that type of amulets will get one temper heated up easily. Pls pardon me for my inability to carry this message clearly and caused some embarassment to myself.


Old 20-12-2005, 02:22 AM
sex0l0gy sex0l0gy is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Ho...Ho... Merry Christmas to all Samster Bros

Hellooooo.. Bro Slipper,

Gd to hear frm you... Thank for yr advice. My budget is ard SGD$600++ but must be in gold casing cos my other 3 amulets are in gold casing. But I got one query, if included this amulet with other 3 amulets = 4 amulets, even number Tot shld wear odd number of amulets. So if wan to get one more amulet, which one do you recommend? Actually me tink of getting the amulet from Thai instead from S'pore. Wat do you tink?
Old 20-12-2005, 02:46 AM
extremeX extremeX is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi Bros,

was wondering if any of u have anything to share on "KITSANA"? or the butterfly amulet? Just recently got one and was introduce by the guy in FLS that its good.
Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Old 20-12-2005, 05:32 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Ho...Ho... Merry Christmas to all Samster Bros

Hellooooo.. Bro Slipper,

Gd to hear frm you... Thank for yr advice. My budget is ard SGD$600++ but must be in gold casing cos my other 3 amulets are in gold casing. But I got one query, if included this amulet with other 3 amulets = 4 amulets, even number Tot shld wear odd number of amulets. So if wan to get one more amulet, which one do you recommend? Actually me tink of getting the amulet from Thai instead from S'pore. Wat do you tink?
600 is alot.. you can buy hell of a good thing with that
Old 20-12-2005, 05:34 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by extremeX
Hi Bros,

was wondering if any of u have anything to share on "KITSANA"? or the butterfly amulet? Just recently got one and was introduce by the guy in FLS that its good.
Butterfly King by Kruba Kitsana. That shop you went i suppose is the "sole" distributor of Butterfly King in SG
Old 20-12-2005, 05:54 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Dickster
Greetings to all

Lolz bro slippers, what i mean is that one cannot wear special amulets and sit down no need to do any stuff and expect good results. For my statement on kp doing wonders is like i just do some small actions then i get unexpected good feedbacks. As for the tiger issue, it just that alot of ppl say liao wear that type of amulets will get one temper heated up easily. Pls pardon me for my inability to carry this message clearly and caused some embarassment to myself.


paiseh bro.nothing personal k?hee
i agree with what you said.
amulets can only help abit. can't make me become gambling god or sex god nor make me rich without having to work.
the thing is it allows you to have peace of mind knowing that some greater force 'may' be assisting you, boosts confidence!hehe
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