Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
計程車起步價三亞5元‧海口10元三亞是玩水項目比較多一點 海南的酒店價位4星的180~500元左右都有‧ 海上运动是三亚最主要的娱乐项目,这里的海域终年温暖,风平浪静,适合进行冲浪、游泳、滑水等;由于海底珊 瑚地貌保护良好,潜水是再好不过的了。当然,最好的去处还属蜈支洲岛,据说那里是"南中国海最纯净的乐土" 。 三亚的夜生活也很丰富,吃过晚饭后随便在街上逛逛,随处可见许多露天的酒吧和音乐茶座,还有许多规模宏大的 夜总会,不仅有ktv、歌舞厅、卡拉ok等设施,还有泰国人妖的歌舞表演。 K房夜總會 夜總會大大小小數十家大致上分為三個等級 海口市的k房姝要比三亞水准高一點 K房有2,6,8,中高k房有2,8,10,高級k房2,10,12還有金絲錨,金絲錨在三亞才有,海口沒 有金絲錨 2,6,8,場(茶店仔) 這種小場又稱恐龍場 人數不多很難挑到 場子小又差 除了酒水超便宜敢玩敢喝外 其他一無是處 2 8 10場(特色場) 特色場敢玩敢喝是特色 人數約60~90人 素質一般 亮的約佔3成 場子一般不適合招待客戶 包廂酒水實惠 長駐的最愛 3 10 15場(主力場) 超級大場氣派非凡裝修豪華 特色制服不能脫 人數約200人以上 包廂酒水較高 適合接待客戶絕對不漏氣 喜歡高優質氣質美女的人士最佳選擇 桑拿、 一般200到500都有..五花八門但複雜性可能沒那麼亂。 大部份是‧有北方的姑娘‧四川妹、兩湖的,還有西北的,還有金絲錨 要注意,路上有人叫你出去玩,99%是黑店。 計程車司機叫你出去玩或是推薦你去的地方,120%都是黑店。
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Wow ! bro coolmanks start this new thread........
Why never invite me huh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
轉:廣州. 一夜情. 主題酒吧
單行道酒吧, 是廣州一家赫赫有名的交友主題酒吧, 如果交友主題酒吧文雅的讓你滿頭霧水, 我用一夜情酒吧應該會幫助你很快進入狀況. 今晚, 我來探險, 深夜11點. 遊戲規則是這樣的簡單: 進去之後, 交人民幣60元, 換一杯酒和一張卡片, 填上大致的資料, 四處走動裝扮如愛神邱比特的服務人員, 就會拿走你/妳的卡片輸入電腦, 接著, 酒吧四周大型屏幕上就會開始跑馬燈般一一跳出你寫下的問候語, 交友條件, 願意開放的吧台號, 手機號, 或是 MSN號, QQ號, email. 而舞台上有live band現場演唱, 有主持人負責炒熱氣氛.
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Open for all, no invite but all are welcome....... no off topic here.
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
totally agree .... feel right bonk also right
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
WAh lah .... gers from LOS again .. I think 1 look you know she from where already haha ... hope still suit all the bros taste... p.s.... she very very very extremely playful ....
to be continue .... |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Whoa............playful good good. I like playful SYT.
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Can translate n summarize the info in English please. Catch no balls la. |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
"catch no balls"? Please make sure you bring a lot of golf balls to Hainan. Hahha
GZ ONS theme bar, Guys go paid RMB60, for a drink and a card. Fill in card, what you looking for, age, contact info etc. Give card to waitress to key into computer..........
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
wahh bro ripper99
nice pic of a playful syt leh.. to bad, me cannot get overseas leave from OC... haiz
returning favors for ups.. slowly. If i have not rtn your up, please pm me. The CP page may have been refreshed and i can no longer see your details |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Im also here , brother coolmanks
TCSS ....... |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Welcome,welcome......one tiger for you on tiger airway when we meet again on the way to CP.
Where is GTO? He must very busy with all the under 18, before the new law take effect? hahhaa Hahhahah
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Now before I bonk the girl , i will ask the girl .......to show me her ID to ensure Im bonk safely ..haha You guys also need to take people advice seriously , if not, dont say I wont visit you at changi huh........
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Saw your post at the other section "young and pretty local" thread......hahha
Actually law not pass yet, so now still ok...... So enjoy yourself in CP, no worries yet. But after the law is passed and gazette, then not only you must ask her to show you ID, better use HP zap photo of the ID as well. Quote:
無業游民 Last edited by coolmanks; 19-09-2007 at 10:31 PM. |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
If the law approved when I reach CP , please give me a call no matter at what time.........Say GTO , stop bonking....check your girl ID first haha
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
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