Wah... I actually like chokeplay - but will always ask first and only use one hand. Some girls really get off on it, hair-pulling and spanking.
yeah bro but in this day and age, everything is about CONSENT.
Idk if my empathy too high or what, its the nature of their job.. but haha don't like the idea of making someone do something that they are not comfortable with/willing
that's only for the drinking session right? my friend knew a mamasan, and ordered some girls through her to his place and we had drinks etc. he covered the cost, remember it was around 300$ just for the companionship.
anything after the drinking session is up to your chemistry/ additional costs to incur. Girls were hot though
new business idea but if you ever start it, probably end up in prison before you make your first million for being a pimp
Ya hor... even if u charge a small platform fee they can still construe it as u living off the earnings of a P and many other laws/ acts stacked against solicitation
Not looking for/ into points exchange, thanks
On cheonging retirement from 23 Aug 2020
Ya hor... even if u charge a small platform fee they can still construe it as u living off the earnings of a P and many other laws/ acts stacked against solicitation
These type the operations personnel gotta be based off shore de lol
that's only for the drinking session right? my friend knew a mamasan, and ordered some girls through her to his place and we had drinks etc. he covered the cost, remember it was around 300$ just for the companionship.
anything after the drinking session is up to your chemistry/ additional costs to incur. Girls were hot though
I actually asked him if he wanted to cheong VP with me one time, he said he gets home delivery from his sources and rates lower than VP. Not gonna say anymore.
huat for the singles. For bros who are Married with kids, imagine the look on their face when ATB ring their door bell XD
I am thinking more of on demand, u put ur timing u want, platform connects you to the next available girl based on ur criteria, once ur booking accepted, address given to you and you go. So verification of customer already done when u join the platform, no need to show phone numbers, girls save time from arranging slots and doing verification. If u kenna aeroplane, can immediately book next available girl
Not looking for/ into points exchange, thanks
On cheonging retirement from 23 Aug 2020