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Anyone in HGH?
I am in HGH till Tuesday. Anyone coming before this day?
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Trip to HGH
Heard a few bros. are heading your way on Tuesday but returning on same day. Is this correct? Sorry about like RV. I was still at Tianjin on that day. Now, back in SHA. |
arrive in shanghai
any Ex in these few day, will be here till Ex RNR, return to SG 15th April |
be in SHA today afternoon.
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
I will be going to SHA tonight and will arrive in the morning tomorrow. Been to SHA twice but only short stay of about 2 days.
For this trip, I will stay till Saturday. The purpose of this trip is to interview and recruit staff, to set up the new office and to look for an apartment for my relocation starting next month. I am new to SHA in every aspects. Would like to know fellow friends in this forum who are familiar with SHA. May be we can get to meet this trip. Thanks. |
Sorry Bro, I am back in SIN. Bro SGPShanghai69 is in town. Check it out with him.
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Dear Regular SHA Bros,
How is the situation in SHA on the SARs issue. I am supposed to head down to SHA in meet April, thus do not should I postpone my trip there. Please advise. Thanks |
Not worth risking
Think you should postpone!
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
To SH and HZ
I thought the Chinese authourities claimed there is no outbreak of SARS in SH and the rests .....
Looks like you see it defferently. Please advise. Many Thanks |
I was There
What they claim, I am not interested. I was there.
All bros still there better take the necessary actions. I am now back, but treated like a virus carrier.
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
Sad to hear that u r being treated like a virus carrier once returned home! Well, look on the bright side bro, u did have your fair share of fun here though..... As with regards to the main concern whether is there any outbreak of SARS in SHA, there's indeed a confirmed case here in SHA so far as announced over the news on TV. 4 cases are being investigated but have not been confirmed as yet whether it is positive or not. The positive case is actually a local SHA lady who travelled to Guangzhou earlier this month for business trip. As for any panic sight here in SHA, the answer is NO! So far till date, have not seen anyone wearing a mask on the street as yet, nor in the MRT train while on my way to work. Rest assured to all. Only those who have travelled to Guangzhou(i.e. Bro Shagman69), are the ones that will be under quarantine....sad thing for u bro shagman69! kekekee..... Well, end of the day, precautions is still better than cure, so to all bros here, SHA is not that bad with regards to the SARS cases yet exercise precautions at your own discretions. Regards,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
Re: Connections to internet in SHA
Sad to hear that u r able to access internet every time u r in SHA. Not that SHA is lack of that bro, perhaps u r unaware on how to gain access that's all. U r go to a internet cafe which are all over SHA, alternatively, if u brought along your notebook, u can always log on to the net by setting your internet access account by using the following; Username: 8888 Dial-in tel: 8888 Password: 8888 The above is the most commonly used internet as long as u r in SHA vicinity. Try it the next time bro. Hope the above will be of usefulness to u on your next trip here in SHA. Regards,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man Living life simple is a true blessing ![]() 所谓性爱..就是有性才能有爱 |
Re: Re: Connections to internet in SHA
hope my next trip to shanghai can meet up with the bros over there. cheers nonoe |
Shanghai and HGH SARS
just return from HGH when talk to the green tea lady they were so shiod on the hong kong news that they had not heard any regard the whole apartment SARS, any way in HGH both night also in LA disco, travel to the so call better class disco but return the earily one again.
the meal in Sing Kai Yuan is reasonabnle, but HGH meal cannot beat Shanghai, tonight should be Sing tian ti again, the 97 is crowded and too many cow asking you for take away, but the face suck, |
SHA Airport
Bro SGPShanghai69,
Take a look at the Airport in SHA. Every joker who board a plane wears a mask. Better be careful. Forget about eating on board. Drink a lot and do not remove mask on the plane. KNN 5 hrs with mask on. Siong like fuck!
Damn! I'm Dumb. 该断不断,必受其乱。 智者千虑,必有一失。 |
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