Sexual Health IssuesIf you need medical advice regarding your sexual health, ask Dr Tan. We are honored to have an In House Doctor who is here to help.
No one is 100% safe if we wish to enjoy life to the fullest especially if we are looking for the girls to extract all the fun that we can get. We are cometimes not aware for small cuts that we have and when if comes to the fluids of an infected person, we are more open to get infected
Even doing with seemingly 'good' girls does not assure us that they do not carry anything. So, the best is avoid having sex with anyone other than your spouse. This may be boring but it gives you complete ease of mind.
No one is 100% safe if we wish to enjoy life to the fullest especially if we are looking for the girls to extract all the fun that we can get. We are cometimes not aware for small cuts that we have and when if comes to the fluids of an infected person, we are more open to get infected
Even doing with seemingly 'good' girls does not assure us that they do not carry anything. So, the best is avoid having sex with anyone other than your spouse. This may be boring but it gives you complete ease of mind.
Yep, Life's like that. Anything that is fun carries with it certain risks. Even the food you take. Truly delicious food are almost always high in fats or cholesterol. So "AI KIA MAI CHEONG, AI CHEONG MAI KIA"
Just be careful and take all necessary precaution.
IMHO,it is pretty safe in Singapore compared to some other countries. The sex education on the health aspect is considered high here. Besides, I think most of the masseurs knows about STD and would not want to put themselves at risk.
However, there might be the exceptional few who are not so health conscious either through ignorance or are simply gung-ho in their outlook of life. Then, I guess there are others who have their personal reasons.
After 8 weeks of anguish, my test at AFA turned out negative yesterday.
Well, after 12 weeks which is 4 weeks from now , I will check again.
That should be give me that peace of mind.
I must admit that I was quite paranoid in the early weeks especially after the NGU infections.
However, I managed to get my focus on the 4th week after some soul searching. Here are the things that got me focused.
-Show more love and care to my loved ones especially my wife and kids. (No sex though cos i kinda lied that i have hernia and painful on the groin)
- Praying to GOD regularly and realising that things are not bad as i have imagined.
- Exercise- Started running regularly and it helped me to get a good night sleep
- Make resolutions and plan for long term.
For those married men out there, think twice before having commercial sex.
And if you do, use condom ALL THE WAY even for blow jobs.
The anguish, agony and regret of getting an infection is undescribable. It just eats you up like a parasite, slowly and painfully. Some times I ever thought of commiting suicide by getting into a accident, or jumping from a flat or even drowning.
As I looked at my kids and wife when they are sleepig, i told myself, it ain't worth it.
TOUCH WOOD! Even if i got infected, TOUCH WOOD AGAIN! , I will live my life to the fullest and give my best to my kids till I live.
I must admit that I have taken stock of life and what I can do with it.
Take care of yourselves Dear Brothers!. It is not just about you!
Good News ! My 2nd test after 3 months has come out negative.
Feeling much relieved and happy. The agony I had experienced 3 months ago is undescribable.
Guys ! Please refrain from commercial sex if possible else use a CONDOM all the way even for blowjobs.
Good News ! My 2nd test after 3 months has come out negative.
Feeling much relieved and happy. The agony I had experienced 3 months ago is undescribable.
Guys ! Please refrain from commercial sex if possible else use a CONDOM all the way even for blowjobs.
Good news indeed bro! Take care man. My suggestion is when bros cheong regularly its only responsible to have a check now and then, be responsible to self, family and other bros out there.
Good News ! My 2nd test after 3 months has come out negative.
Feeling much relieved and happy. The agony I had experienced 3 months ago is undescribable.
Guys ! Please refrain from commercial sex if possible else use a CONDOM all the way even for blowjobs.
Good News ! My 2nd test after 3 months has come out negative.
Feeling much relieved and happy. The agony I had experienced 3 months ago is undescribable.
Guys ! Please refrain from commercial sex if possible else use a CONDOM all the way even for blowjobs.
Congrats. Yesterday I went AFA too. Tested negative at 9.5wks. Will test again in a few wks time. Wish me luck! I understand the agony that u meant..cos its realy a suck feeling when u think u r at risk for HIV. I kana herpes..thats why think I am exposed to HIV too..dealing with the herpes news plus worried of HIV really make the past few wks like yrs...anyway...things r getting better...I'm not married so at least I do not need to worry abt wife..
To other bros still clean..really...if can stop commercial sex..better while still can...or..tone down to hj etc..safer.
Good News ! My 2nd test after 3 months has come out negative.
Feeling much relieved and happy. The agony I had experienced 3 months ago is undescribable.
Guys ! Please refrain from commercial sex if possible else use a CONDOM all the way even for blowjobs.