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Old 11-12-2007, 10:55 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

any recent updates on Houjie or Humen ?
Old 11-12-2007, 11:05 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Amazon - awaking giant!!

to those old birds or to those who known well about CP history, amazon ktv should be the name that you were very familiar previously, the first flower street in cp (also 1st in dg, and possibly to the whole china?).

it was one of the top 3 ktv in cp (and upon a time it was the largest ktv in cp), however, the business went down seriously after jiayi opened end of last year, who copied the flower street idea and took over the status.

amazon became silent and cold starting nov last year, but after the major overhaul and restructuring, amazon will be back with the new face by next month!
Hmmm.... hope Amazon does rise from its ashes like a phoenix and be great again. Really miss the place as it was the first KTV in cp I cheong in 2 yrs ago.
Old 11-12-2007, 11:11 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by ripper99 View Post
so I settle with my 1 MMs ....well the MMs I got turn out very good ... close look very syt ... and very GFE ... SUPER know how to 撒娇 and have a great time with her in the KTV.....FJ was great due to the feeling ... request her to wear her tight spaghetti
pn and only that coz her body is good so the visual is super ..... and the feeling is good ... just like bonking GF

name : LL
age : 19
face : 7.5+1/10 (SYT look sweet to me)
body 9/10 (C~D cupper firm)
BJ : 6+1/10 (+1 for the gfe feeling)
FJ : 8+1/10 (+1 for the gfe feeling)

morning temp me for round 2 ... say I not game enough ... kao ... almost kill her in the morning bonk ...
GFE FEELING 10/10 max out... can give her a 12/10? ... she is even for GFE than all those GF I have ... super know how to 撒娇 and she is cute I think its hard not to like her ...

night time call back LL and round 2 ... all activity around the same as before .... just that this time more playful .. more 撒娇.. everything more ... gfe also more ...
Your FR reminds me of the 1st time I was in CP 2 yrs ago. It's been too long btw drinks. Think it's time for me to return back to CP
Old 11-12-2007, 11:32 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

finally, i am back to the forum...

there are many postings, PMs and emails waiting for reply, just give me some time ok...
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

Last edited by 3dee; 11-12-2007 at 11:43 AM.
Old 11-12-2007, 11:43 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Hi Bro,

This will be my first trip to CP (from 17 to 20 Dec) and 5 guys will be heading there staying at HuiHua Hotel.

Any gathering there during ths period? Pls PM me your number so we could contact you when we are there.

Btw, any recommendation on KTV and Spa?
Old 11-12-2007, 11:52 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

yesterday spent hours on reading and clearing emailss... here is one of the email that i received from my friend, a sharing with you guys...

this is one of the hottes topic in china blog and search, if you input the name "殷彩霞" into google cn or baidu, you will get thousands of search results.

there are lots of argument whether the story is real fact or imagination creativity, but whatever it is, it is really a touching story...

out from the thousand search results, one of the article that i really like is the one with the title of "为了孩子们能够读书,老师出卖了自己的身体", and one of the sentence is really touched... "卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学..."

enjoy your reading~~~~~~

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


殷彩霞死了,死前她是一名妓女,更确切的说,她是一名老师。是当今中国当之无愧的老师。她肮脏了自己的身体 ,纯洁了孩子的心灵。


这名年仅21岁的美女教师的追悼会上,校长翻开殷彩霞的日记,当着孩子们的面老泪纵横地朗读起来,她这样写 道:卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学…

殷彩霞出生在甘肃省某县的农村,在那个贫困的地方,村里的其他姑娘,无论美丑,早就到南方沿海城市去打工挣 钱了,每到春节,她们都会打扮得花枝招展,大包小包的提回来。而殷彩霞高中毕业后没这么做,很多人都不理解 ,毕竟她的长相在村里是数一数二的。为此,她的父亲经常骂自己的女儿没出息。

听说当地一所民办小学缺老师,她主动跟学校要求免费代课。因为她中学成绩就很好,顺利的通过了学校的文化考 核,成为一名真正的民办教师。

当殷彩霞第一次走进课堂的时候,孩子门哗然了,他们从未见过如此漂亮的女老师。从此,教室里常常洋溢着孩子 们的欢声笑语。说是教室,其实也就一遮风挡雨的茅草棚,树杆埋成的墙,石板搭起的课桌,砖头码起的讲台,最 值钱的就是那块用青砖砌起之后经打磨又刷了黑漆的黑板了,粉笔不够用,常以石灰与泥巴代替。就是在这样条件 下,殷彩霞教会孩子们认识了几千个汉字,也教会了他们很多做人的道理。

一天夜里刮大风,茅草棚盖的学校屋顶被掀翻,黑板也被刮倒。第2天孩子们上学的时候各个不知道所措。校长去 找县教育局长要钱结果无功而返。老校长晚上回来对殷彩霞说,局长说要你去才给。从来没有出过远门、也没有见 过世面的殷彩霞怕把事情搞杂了,胆怯的步行10几公里去了县里。局长的办公室装修很豪华,墙上挂着很多锦旗 ,办公桌黑里透红,可以照见人影,上面立着一面小国旗,椅子是皮的,好象擦了鞋油一样光亮,比他的脑袋还要 亮。局长见到殷彩霞,色咪咪聊了很多不着边际的话。直到天黑了,校长指着另外一扇门对她说,跟我过来拿钱。 当殷彩霞走进去的时候,她只看到了一张床,也就是在那张床上,她失去了她的第一次,确切地说,是局长夺走了 她的第一次。




第二天,村民们自发来到学校,买了些材料把简陋的教室重新搭建起来了。可遇到刮风下雨的日子,依然上不了课 。殷彩霞几次跟孩子们说,县里不久将会来人给他们买砖头盖一所牢固的教室,在这半年里,校长去县城找了局长 十几趟,一分钱没拿到。只有他知道局长对殷彩霞做了些什么,但他却无能为力。 新学期开始了,很少人交得起学费,能够坚持来校上课的孩子越来越少了,他们都跟着父母放羊去了。殷彩霞内心 感到了疼痛,为这些失学儿童而疼痛。

当殷彩霞知道孩子们的希望已经化为泡影的时候,她脱光了自己的衣服,对着镜子暗暗发誓将用自己的身体去实现 孩子们的上学梦。 在家乡她知道那些花枝招展回来过年的姐妹们都是在外做批肉生意的。她明白那是一条赚钱的捷径。她洗了个澡, 告别了校长、告别的父亲,告别了那间千疮百孔的茅草棚,扎着两条麻花辫走向了繁华的大都市。临走的时候,父 亲笑了,校长哭了。。。。。

繁华都市的五颜六色并没有给殷彩霞带来一丝兴奋,她眼里始终浮现的是那间低矮茅草棚搭建的教室和孩子们渴望 的目光。她走进了一家发廊,躺在了肮脏的床上,经受了人生的第二次蹂躏。那天,她在日记本上写着:局长连个 嫖客都不如。

殷彩霞是那帮姐妹里最节俭的女孩。她从来不化妆,也从来不穿那些性感的衣服,她总爱扎着麻花辫,但她的生意 却总是最好的,她总是抢了其他妓女的饭碗,她也经常为此遭到妓女们的群殴。鼻青脸肿之后,她会走向另一家发 廊,似乎只有在那粉色的灯光下她才可以看到希望。看着嫖客们一张张邪恶的嘴脸,她似乎看到了孩子们天真的笑 容,但她从来就不曾因此而流泪,因为,她是个老师。

她将自己的收入除去生活费之后,全部寄给了校长。校长按照殷彩霞的意思将她寄回的一笔笔嫖资全都用于改善小 学的教学条件上。有人问起那笔钱的来源,校长就说那是社会捐助的善款。

世上没有不透风的墙,有一天终于从邮局传来消息说那些钱是殷老师寄来的。当地媒体得知这一消息后纷纷试图采 访殷彩霞,但都被她婉言谢绝了,因为,她是个妓女。

有钱了,学校变了,第一个月,买了黑板,修了屋顶。第二个月,有了木制的课桌与板凳。第三个月,所有的孩子 都有了课本。第四个月,所有的孩子都有了红领巾。第五个月,已经没有孩子光着脚丫上课了。

第六个月,殷彩霞回来了。当孩子们看到她的时候,争先恐后地叫她“殷老师……殷老师回来了……殷老师好漂亮 啊……”。看到孩子们激动的笑脸,殷彩霞哭了,这半年里,多少的委屈和泪水,在她眼里都那么的 有价值。


第七个月,有了操场。 第八个月,有了篮球。 第九个月,有了新铅笔。 第十个月,学校有了自己的国旗,孩子们每天都能够在操场上看到国旗冉冉升起。
在第十一个月,一个房地产商坚持不用套,结果让殷老师意外怀孕了,打完胎后,殷老师成了房地产商的二奶。可 那位包养她半年的房产商因为因近段时间深圳房价陡降而抛弃了她,一分钱没付。

殷彩霞终于疲倦了,她想回家,她想回到孩子们的身边,可她最大的梦想是为孩子们盖上一间砖砌的教室,再为孩 子们买上两台电脑,因为这个梦想还没实现,所以她只能回头去苦苦哀求那位房产商。房产商说没钱,但可以为她 介绍一笔大生意,一老外,愿意出三千美元买她一夜。想到几年前的那阵大风,殷彩霞拖着疲惫的身躯爬上了老外 的床。她发誓,过了那个晚上她就回到她久别的家乡,回到她久别的课堂。


殷老师死了,她没能完成她最后的夙愿,那就是给孩子们盖上一间砖砌的教室,再为孩子们买上两台 电脑
一个妓女死了,悄无声息。深圳的天空还是那么蓝,官员们在豪华宴席上高谈阔论,道路上行驶的高级轿车散发着 耀眼的光芒。兴奋的人们滔滔不绝地谈论着股票、房价和车市,还有电影、音乐和爱情。路边亲亲我我恋爱的小青 年们为了一点小事要死要活。


可在此时,甘肃那个人们已经忘记了的小山村,正在举行只有学生、老师和数百位沉痛的村民的追悼 会。

追悼会上,人们看到殷彩霞的一张黑白照片,照片里,她扎着两个麻花辫,笑得如此单纯。校长翻开殷彩霞的日记 ,当着孩子们的面老泪纵横地朗读起来,她这样写道:卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救 一所希望小学…



多好感言:写这篇文章,我整整哭了两个小时。从今以后,我再也不会歧视任何妓女,因为她们当中有一个殷彩霞 。真诚希望大家多转载此文,贴满各个论坛和空间.让我们的父母官们看看,当他们在台上高谈阔论的时候,当他 们在酒桌前幌酬交错的时候,当他们以权谋私的时候,当他们在台上学习三个代表的时候,多想想那个不是共产党 员的殷彩霞和万千处于水深火热的穷苦百姓。彩霞在那个世界在用哀求的眼神望着我们。

殷彩霞虽然身为妓女,但她比谁都活得高尚,比谁都活得有尊严。在人心冷漠、肉欲横流之下,她给予孩子们的爱 难道不是我们社会最可贵的“大爱”吗?

殷彩霞带着未完成的遗憾离开了这个世界,她用自己的行为,给孩子们编写了一本爱心的教材.作为生者,我们理 当完成彩霞的遗志,在这个寒冷的冬天,多给千百万穷苦的人们、多给社会奉献我们的爱心和责任。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 11-12-2007, 12:10 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
yesterday spent hours on reading and clearing emailss... here is one of the email that i received from my friend, a sharing with you guys...
u hiding in which part of china now???
Old 11-12-2007, 12:13 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by GTOKING View Post
haha , so what is your plan ? wanna jio me huh ?
wah, jio u already u bo chap me ah
Old 11-12-2007, 01:56 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by and_alloy View Post
u hiding in which part of china now???
thanks for concerning bro, still at the north singing one night in beijing...

most likely will be heading to south end of this week...

you leh? when coming to tiongkok???
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 11-12-2007, 02:13 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
still at the north singing one night in beijing...

you leh? when coming to tiongkok???
u mah na keng 1 night??? u hugging ur mm 4 a lot of nites liao me coming end month lei
Old 11-12-2007, 02:15 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Here comes another news, china cpi up 6.9% in november, nb, guess things are more and more ex in china...

we shall cheong while it is still reasonable and affordable, don't wait until it is ex... so, cheong ah, cheong ah!!!!~~~~

China's CPI up 6.9% in November
China's consumer price index (CPI) jumped 6.9 percent in November over the same month last year due to food price increases, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Tuesday.

It was the biggest monthly rise this year and an increase of 6.5 percent over October this year, leveling the 33-month high recorded in August.

"The latest figure indicates accelerating inflation pressure," NBS chief economist Yao Jingyuan told Xinhua. He said price jumps for foodstuffs, which have a weight of 33 percent in China's CPI, and oil price increases were the major driving forces behind the rise.

Food prices ballooned 18.2 percent in November from a year earlier, compared with 17.6 percent in October.

The bureau said food prices drove up the November CPI figure by 5.94 percentage points.

Grain prices rose 6.6 percent over the same period last year, while cooking oil prices increased 35 percent.

Pork prices, blamed for the recent increase in CPI figures, soared 56 percent.

Non-food prices, however, rose only 1.4 percent, according to the bureau.

The accumulative increase of the main inflation gauge reached 4.6 percent in the first 11 months, the bureau said.

China's consumer price index was forecasted to be around 4.7 percent for the whole year. It would be the highest yearly figure since 1997, Yao said.

The prediction was higher than the 4.5 percent to 4.6 percent forecast made by the country's top statistician, Xie Fuzhan, late last month.

The previous record for annual CPI rise was 8.3 percent in 1996.

China's producer price index (PPI) rose 4.6 percent year-on-year in November, the largest monthly increase in more than two years, the bureau said Monday.

The sharp PPI rise last month fuelled concern over further inflation caused by rising production costs.

The rising CPI figures in recent months have been running contrary to earlier predictions that China's CPI would fall steadily later this year.

---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 11-12-2007, 02:21 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by and_alloy View Post
u mah na keng 1 night??? u hugging ur mm 4 a lot of nites liao me coming end month lei
as what gandhi said, live as you were to die tomorrow, so everyday is a new born to me, every night is always the 1st night... hehehehehehe....

month end wait for you, i shall be in dg/cp earlier than you...~~~
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 12-12-2007, 12:04 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

[QUOTE=3dee;2451221][COLOR="Blue"]Here comes another news, china cpi up 6.9% in november, nb, guess things are more and more ex in china...

we shall cheong while it is still reasonable and affordable, don't wait until it is ex... so, cheong ah, cheong ah!!!!~~~~

haha.. yes today money has less "power" tomorrow.. spent it now or
1. invest .. make more than say > 8%
2. Borrow now and spend interest is lower than <5%
3. work harder (earn more) and send/ enjoy harder

3 dee .. pls tell me how to do the 1 and 2
see u from 13 to 27 Dec ?
how is ur GF,.. any new 1?

Last edited by yh288888; 12-12-2007 at 12:06 AM. Reason: typing error
Old 12-12-2007, 05:26 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
3 dee .. see u from 13 to 27 Dec ?
how is ur GF,.. any new 1?
Which one? The guy has so many leh!!
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Old 12-12-2007, 06:09 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by yh288888 View Post

Which one? The guy has so many leh!! :
The HT DJ ? HT AM ? miraton DJ ? JY DJ ? sell phone card 小妹 ,
卖衣服小妹 ,

太多了 , 太 多 了!我 好 乱!
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。
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