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Re: Fortune Telling
Hi Grounded Eagle,
I look at your post on dream, maybe i can share something with you. When a person dream, there is 2 types, first is you can remember, second is you cannot recall after you wake up. First type is you can remember, that is the past of what you have encounter in your life, you can memories so details of your dream cause you might be wondering or stress out by certain things that you have encounter when you are young or now. For example wet dreams, almost everyone can remember after you wake up, does it telling you that you will have a girl coming into your life? I can see from your dream is that most likely that your older generation, e.g. father or grand father generation is not having a good relations. Secondly, the person become your travel partner, come and missing, you have recently get in touch your previous relationship(ex gf). Third, massacre of whole family, you having some issue with your wife or kids, making the relationship turns silent, meaning nothing much to talk to someone within your family. Last is the date, 1953 is telling that it has happen for sometime, you have been looking for solutions. Second type of dream is you forget when you wake up, that is the correct indications of future. You try to memories the whole dream, why you forget when you wake up? Everyone likes to know their future but this is secret, so it comes into your dream. Both types dream can be answer by meditations. Mediations also have 2 types. For 1st dream, you can cure by health meditation. Wake up in the morning, take 5 minutes to just sit down on your bed, breath in and out as slow as you can, your mind must be blank. Not thinking of kids, wife, work, problems, clear your mind for 5 minutes. At night also 5 minutes before you sleep, it is not easy to clear your whole day things you have encounter. If you can meditate daily for 45 minutes, you will feel like you have sleep for 8 hours. These health meditation can be done anytime, in office, bus or MRT, do not learn walk meditations unless you are in a big open space which is safe. Second type is knowing the future meditation, need to be guided by master. Every master have their own ways of teaching. Advice for peoples who wanted to learn this type of meditation, you can go crazy if master is not up to the mark. When you want to know future, be prepare to work for god anytime and anywhere, a lot of restrictions in your life. |
Re: Fortune Telling
Hi Bro mustachio Glad to hear that and happy for you! 随喜 戒邪淫网 http://www.jiexieyin.org/
mệt cũng phải đi làm không có gì quý hơn độc lập tự đó Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc --- 独立--- 自由 ---- 幸福 Last edited by RockViet; 14-11-2013 at 11:43 AM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
very interesting thread
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Re: The fundamental of destiny
reposting for bro who might miss this
some of the fundamental of destiny <消灾解厄,改变命运> https://www.hightail.com/download/bW...cVhtNEpBSXRVag "Cause & Effect" https://www.yousendit.com/download/W...Z1A3N0MwYjhUQw 改变命运 - 从戒邪淫开始 戒邪淫网 http://www.jiexieyin.org/ --
mệt cũng phải đi làm không có gì quý hơn độc lập tự đó Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc --- 独立--- 自由 ---- 幸福 Last edited by RockViet; 15-11-2013 at 12:05 AM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
There is a website that allows you to read your fortune.
www.facade.com Many methods. I prefer the I Ching and the Runes. Runes will tell you about the future. I Ching will tell you about your current situation. |
Re: Fortune Telling
(from http://www.jiexieyin.org/jidegaiming/8093.html) 有不少人,见到亲戚或朋友的运程有种种阻滞之时,都会劝他(她)说:“不如看下风水啦!改下运 程啦!” 看风水是否能真正改善命运呢? 不错,看风水是可以使贫穷的人变成富有,可以使多病的人转成健康,可以使运程阻滞的职员得到加薪或升职 ,亦可以使蚀本多年的公司变成生意兴隆,更甚至可以使反目的夫妇回心转意……。 在表面上看来风水是可以改善命运的,但是,绝大部分的人都会忽略其中一句含有深奥哲理的名言——“福地 福人居”。 这句话的意思是:天下任何一块好风水的“福地”,都是有“福气”之人才能够居住进去。“福地”亦就是好风水的住宅。 换句话说,没有“福气”的人,是绝对不可能居住到好风水的“福地”。 这个“福气”是如何得来的呢?前面的篇幅已经谈过了:一是有生俱来的(即前世带来)。二是今生积善修德所得的。前者是先天的运数,后者是后天之补救 而得。 事实上,风水改变命运只是表面上的现象而已,它是有一定的根源的。 风水能够改善命运,最大的两个根源是:一、应先天之运数而改变命运。二、应后天之积善(善因)报应而改善命 运(得善果)。 归根结底,真正能够改善命运的,不是风水,而是“因果”两字。 因为,无论是先天之运数,或是后天的修善积德,都是种下“善因”所得来的“善果”。 这一切一切的好与坏,吉与凶的转换,在冥冥中都不能超出“因果报应”的原则之外。 因此,“风水”只是表面的枝叶,“因果”是内在的根源。 改变命运 - 从戒邪淫开始 戒邪淫网 http://www.jiexieyin.org/
mệt cũng phải đi làm không có gì quý hơn độc lập tự đó Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc --- 独立--- 自由 ---- 幸福 Last edited by RockViet; 18-11-2013 at 11:34 PM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
honestly, i don't really believe much of Singapore's fortune teller readings, been telling us to buy this and that or ask to pay a higher price. Also, you'll never know how much is really true.
whatever in life, i think you'll need to step up on your own instead of relying on readings. overall, its you whom choose how you want your life to be bah. No offence to anyone. Cheers mate! ![]() ![]()
Re: Fortune Telling
Honestly, when comes to fengshui or fortune telling, many peoples still do not believe. As my understanding of other religions beside taoist or buddism, they also hope for good life and health. Wealth should be peoples concern in current society, every religions also hope their devotees will do well so that they can make contributions. Every part of the world are starting to believe in fengshui even MBS, owner is from US. Fengshui will slowly blend into peoples life, otherwise people will buy house with beds in living room. There is five elements in the universe, if we can control all, then we will have everything. How many do we have now, money, health, career, business and happiness? Fengshui can help us in certain ways, the rest is up to us.
Re: Fortune Telling
or maybe you are just him..himself...free advertisment |
I'm scare to go FT liao went 4 of them across 3 years all said abt the same most scary one is I will be a step mother -.- in my life.
Many thanks to those who upz me... Everything happen for a reason. Look forward for a beautiful things in life. (= |
Re: Fortune Telling
any bro know where in SG can find sifu to view ur previous life??? Alot of Taiwan variety show talks abt it, known it as 观落阴
Re: Fortune Telling
Dear KinderBueno,
my career has not been very smooth for the past (almost) 10 years. Would like to private message you to help me analyse my bazi. Can you tell me how to? Thanks. |
Re: Fortune Telling
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Re: Fortune Telling
Like most master will say, if you behave in life, lesser karma, you will live a good life. Can everyone go vegetarian, chanting and do merit? We have to look how we want to live our life. Not all good peoples will get good life and not all bad will die tragic. It is how we rate our life, poor peoples in 3rd world country are more happier than us. Not because they are richer than us, they have enjoy their work, family, friends and healthy sex life. The last 3 items is free, but it is us who are living here look at money very big, it is not that we do not like to have more money, but they work hard for it. They spend on their loves one, but we spend on gamble, drinking and sex. FT is getting to know a clear picture of what we have done wrong, repent and move on. How many master will guide you to see brighter pave. Self enlightenment is better than any medicine in our life. When your kids break a glass, how will you react? If it is your wife, parents, friends or yourself breaking the glass, how will every individual react. Your own self will answer to your own questions, how you treat peoples around you, you will get the same treatment back, they call it karma but it is wrong, it is mirror, whatever you do is a reflection. When something in our life is stable and not moving upwards, peoples will say it is bad times cause they see more BMWs on the road but they are still driving toyotas. When a person is so rich, his life is in the ocean(big investment), we are in a reservoir(playing shares), poor peoples in a pond(no investment). Who is more worry for their life ahead? If 3 persons falls at the same time, who will survive? A frog will wait for chances in a pond, a fish will eat each other to survive, in ocean, anything can eat you up anytime. Be yourself, do more good deeds, you will never know what is waiting for you.
Re: Fortune Telling
I like to correct the misunderstanding many of you guys have on what you refer to as Fortune Telling. There is no such thing as fortune telling. The correct word should be Metaphysics. Unfortunately, people misuse this practice and thus distorted the main purpose of its function. The facts that each and everyone need to understand further into life is first to get to ask yourself " Do you really need to find out what happen to you and who you are" if you do want to find out and learn. Then you must be a student first. "When a student wants to learn, the MASTER will appear " . The basic understanding of life in the context of Metaphysics contain 3 part : The heavenly bestow classes, the earthly environmental classes, and the self refine classes. Each of them constitute 33%. When you approached a master and he managed to decode you. He will normally decode your CHARACTER as this is the pre-requisite to your future. Why some are angry bird, Why some are so good in presenting themself to others but shallow inside, Why some are so successful in their life ( be it in their action, speech and thoughts), why some can see the invisible, why some can be a psychological control freak, why some enjoy sex and WHY SOME RELATIONSHIP FAILED etc ( We can really go on and on ). Ultimately! after your session of decoding by master or learning thru him. Your character will be already size up. The next move will be whether you want to change to be good or not. IT IS ABOUT YOUR CHOICE. whether you want to listen to yourself, whether you want to change your environment to suit yourself to make you feel better, whether you want to upgrade yourself intellectually and philosophically, and whether you want to enhance your health with all the things that you have acquire from the widom that a GOOD MASTER give you.
Metaphysics is about balancing yourself spiritually. ( NO RELIGIOUS INVOLVE) When you are balance, you will find peace. when you have peace you find happiness. When you find find happiness, you find VALUE, When you find value, You will appreciate it. When you appreciate it, you will cherish it AND you will find meaning in life. Only people who have walk thru this path will realized the meaning of life and appreciate the value. Once again. there is no religious involve in Metaphycis. It is about knowing yourself starting from your own character. Once you gather to know yourself. Then you will know more about your path including your fortune. |
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