Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Anyone can help me with this sentence 'cuoi tuoi day, tiep tuc phat huy nao' ?? Thanks ..
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
"Cheerful smile, keep it up" |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
=============================== (2009-11-26) (河内综合电)越南国会昨天不顾反对,通过核电法草案,首次批准政府兴建两座核电厂;国会也批准折合至少1 10亿美元(约152亿新元)的初期建造费。 批评核电计划的议员阮铭说(译音)透露,77%的议员赞同这个计划。他形容国会“激烈”辩论这个草案, 一些议员主张只建造一座核电厂,而非两座核电厂。他说,越南尚未准备就绪,核电计划有“颇大的风险”,提出 的经济理由薄弱。 批评者也认为越南缺乏合格技师操作核电厂,有关法案条文并不完备,保安措施计划,特别是在处理核废料方 面,有许多疏漏之处。 一些议员也以环保为理由,反对建造核电厂,尤其是宁顺省为以海龟著称的自然保护区。 政府将在南部宁顺省宁福县和宁海县兴建这两座核电厂,第一机组必须在2020年启用,发电量为1000 兆瓦,四个机组的总发电量为4000兆瓦。 越南的经济蓬勃发展,电力需求每年平均增加15%。核电计划提供未来电需的目标,最初低于5%,在20 50年之前达到30%。 前宗主国法国、日本、俄罗斯、中国、韩国和美国,已表明有意参与计划。法国总理菲永则在本月12日在河 内与越南总理阮晋勇签署《和平使用核能协定》。
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Waw, din know u also very good in Viet. I now got another all singing and walking translator!
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us? My favorite part of the female body (Y) |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Not too late to know... his Vietnamese no horse run.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Phew, confirm by our all mightly master bro naemlo. Must jio him for drinks.
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us? My favorite part of the female body (Y) |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Jio me to drink "milk" can? I dun like to drink beer
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Drink will be on, when I come back!! |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Thanks bro!
Can sian VBs only....hehehe |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
cuoi tuoi day = u smile really nice tiep tuc phat huy nao = keep smiling like that way Quote:
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Hi Bro, cuoi tuoi = smile Day = agree (with something) tiep tuc phat huy nao = keep doing it (in this case, referring to smiling) - this is what I heard from my office people when they talked. Meet up sure, my honour. Will be away till mid Dec... till then. Last edited by SING_IN_HCMC; 26-11-2009 at 04:24 PM. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Ofcos can, U help so much already.
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us? My favorite part of the female body (Y) |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
I told my girlfriend Änh yeu em"' and her reply was "Yeu cai dau may '" Can anyone help to translate for me. Many thanks.
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Duplicate post.
Last edited by tomcat007; 27-11-2009 at 10:27 PM. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Please help to translate the bold portion of the following message: e xin loi tai luc nay may e het pin. e rat thich a. a rat la de thuong. e ve viet nam a o lai giu gin suc khoe nha. e ve viet nam sms cho a chuc a vui va hanh phuc. The non-red portion I understand, but just included here to give the full picture. Thanks.!
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