Re: Golden Landmark!!!
i think i m getting old...i also cant find it |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
MY Salon... wah...u bring back tis old thread...really brings back memories... |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
would be nice if we can find a place like MY nowadays... wonder if there is one around... which we are not aware of... hhmmm...
I am Osama Bin Laden... and I HATE NEWBIES WHO JUZ ASKIN CONTACTS..!! Do I have to say more..?!?! To all bros who up me... THANKS...!!! I will up you as soon as I can... (please tell me your latest posting) It's NOT the number of posts that counts. It's the QUALITY of the postings. |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
hmm...then me dunnoe whc one liow...
yah...really wonder if there are anymore out there... |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
.... ok bk to d Uncle joint ... for those older bros who patronise d PC joint operated by Uncle 'Cheng Sing' n miss his hustling n cajoling, u can take a look. if i nt wrong bro chukeliang was looking for him d other time? i nvr patronised Uncle b4 @ PC cos his gals r nt my type - mainly milfs of diff nationalities n races. seems like his focus nw could be Thai concept? as i onli saw 2 gals (whom i find nt too bad n which he said r Thais), dunno if he has more gals avail on other days.
My 22nd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene. Rep pts: Pls do not visit the point exchange groups giving the impression you are keen to exchange points but disappear after one post. Or promise to return points but did not do so after months. Min 5 pts for exchange. |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
any update from uncle c.s. Shop?
Which auntie give good massage, expecting some good thai oil massage, just pure massage. Uncle cheng use to hv nice looking viet gal, every time sit a pearl ctr shop , at the door. ... The shop was formerly run by local lau chio. Before prc flood up the pearl ctr. And get the whole building black marked. The earliest old uncle was white hair man, the pioneer of local foot massage man. Nvr seen this uncle after his taken over ... Last edited by thomasdelaruue; 03-07-2011 at 05:06 AM. |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
Any new updates from this building? Is the massage good from the one near bus stop?
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
Didn't know there is one near bus stop. Only one joint on third floor. Hear got good JG.
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
not sure it is still available ?
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
i go recee this Friday as im on leave. Update you bros again! Cheers!
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
Just got a call from Anna today, boss of JM. Agree she's friendlier, but most of the 'girls' at JM CMI.
She claims they have a 'new gl' and asked if I wanted to try. Last time she said that I kenna Kelly I think, and she's no girl in my opinion. More like auntie. Problem with JM is that they no longer have a back door. It's the best way to avoid detection for whatever reasons. Haven't been to JM for ages, so didn't know Elaine is not there any more. Anna didn't tell me either today. Hmmm....maybe left under unfriendly circumstances. |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
A few weeks back was running some errands at golden landmark in one of those Saturday afternoons and decided to walk around in the building. Found a HC and decided to check it out.
It looks a bit rundown from outside but the room was actually quite neat. Didn't make any appointment nor do I know any girls there so just tried my luck to let the receptionist recommend one for me. Surprisingly in came a girl in late twenties, I reckon, with a pleasant look. The massage lasted about 20 minutes and there came the special. Don't want to go into the details but the service was quite good except that the girl is flat. My rating for the session: Name: Cindy, a malaysian chinese in her late twenties Look: 7.5/10 Figure: 6/10, slim but at most A-cup Massage: 6.5/10 Special: 7.5/10. Good technique but somewhat mechanical Damage: can't recall exactly but around 50 entrance + 100 |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
there is a uncle thai massage shop downstair,
but nowaday no more lai lai lai from him. |
Re: Golden Landmark!!!
Originally Posted by nitinbro yes i daaaaaaaaaaaa_g. Os Originally Posted by nitin" rd working opaimagnlineiminllplimae:trc="tons/s/im_pbs_pb/viewpost.g/viewpost.g_ " rd working opaimagnlineiminllplimae:trc="tons/s/im_pbs_pb/viewpost.g/viewpost.g_ " rd working opaimagnlineiminllplimae:trc="tons/s/im_pbs_pb/viewpost.g/viewpost.g_ " rd working opaimagnlineiminllplimae:trc="tons/s/im_pbs_pb/viewpost.g/viewpost.g_ " rd working opaimagnlineiminllplimae:trc="tons/s/im_pbs_pb/viewpost.g/viewpost.g_habh " rd working opaimagnlineiminllplimae:trc="tons/s/im_pbs_pb/viewpost.g/viewpost.g_habh " rd working opes i daaaaaaaaaaaa_g. Os o v e ter d9?s toopshor . 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