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Re: Fortune Telling
Last edited by alwaysss; 05-10-2013 at 11:26 PM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
another bastard born loser dog sent nasty remarks to User CP at 10.57 pm just now and that bastard dog zapped me 2 point
Re: Fortune Telling
Last edited by alwaysss; 06-10-2013 at 12:07 AM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
Got another born loser bastard retarded son of the whore bitch hopeless shameless dog sent nasty vulgarities remarks to my User CP at 11.14 pm just now.
That bastard mother-fucker retarded son of the whore bitch bastard born loser hopeless shameless dog and his whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon! |
Re: Fortune Telling
I may not have big power but I really dun like your attitude.... so I zap you my humble 1 point.
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Re: Fortune Telling
Linpeh is doing a good deed here. Linpeh is exposing 一个心很恶的不务正业的虚伪骗子和它的bastard lackey dogs and bastard clone nicks! Last edited by alwaysss; 06-10-2013 at 01:45 AM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
Another 2 retarded dumb bastard lackey dogs zapped me at 12.15am and 12.16 am just now.
Re: Fortune Telling
I don't like the way you talk. So I will be zapping you.
I promised to attend to your queries. Sorry to keep you waiting.
![]() Quote:
不接近你有好和坏,凡是有双面。 (好)你少花钱/时间、专心工作。她有她的缘分认识其他男人。或许,上天安排你找到更加适合的。 (坏)跟你在一起,不一定就是好事。表面上ok, 结了婚之后问题就来了。 她不适合你(上天的安排),或许她已经注要去认识其他的男人。在现实生活,丈夫克妻子,妻子克丈夫的案例很 多。搞不好她命硬,谁娶了她之后,丈夫得早“走”。以后,你结交了新女朋友/朋友,经常发生口角/意见分歧,那么就要注意了。先别把责任怪罪在对方,说不定是自己这方面出问题(应该反省)。要是发现对方p roblematic(比如:经常与别人吵架,与家人/同事/朋友不合等等),应该尽量少接触了。理由很多,老师不说。 自己的问题不能忽略。当人起邪淫妄念(要怎么做爱,怎么玩女人),难得到仙佛菩萨保佑。人的八识混浊(包括 末那识、阿赖耶识)加上五毒(贪嗔痴慢疑)攻入的时候,人的磁场会变得乱而负。运势差的话,会变本加厉更糟 糕。做起事来,处处碰钉子很难过活。例如:没人缘、没贵人、欠债、失业、失恋、离婚、打官司、车祸、开刀、 病痛、霉运等等。 就有效颠覆厄运,就是慢慢还前世今生的债,今世诚恳忏悔不再犯,对他将有帮助改善。姻缘、前途、运势、家庭 会逐渐修复。不是三、两个月能搞得定。祖上犯业、曾害女人堕胎、等伤天害理的行为,此罪业相当重。一些人做 了没事,是他在消福报,并不代表以后没事。罪业囤积起来,将会爆炸的一天。业报/报应来的时候不会给warning. 有面临人生问题的时候,求神拜佛已经来不及,恐怕仙佛菩萨爱莫能助。 当你决定要吃斋念佛的时候,老师才教你修性念佛慢慢一步步化解/消业。到时候,你就静静看,不用出声。 Quote:
Re: Fortune Telling
Anyone know if Guan Yin Ah Mah (Golden Mile) is in Singapore? |
Re: Fortune Telling
Just went bk thai bk in 2 mths time.
Dear Bro Anonymous,
Thank you for your points. 答应过给您解答,尽量做到就是了。老师会给你tips, 希望能够多少帮助您。以后的人生避免再重复。老师把一些写重点出来,这样以后人家骗不了你。 论四柱: 断日元:木重乏力又不敌众。秋冬换季、草枯木凋。四支土壤干涩,故甲木弱也。四柱内险合局,合 而不化。 捉用神(喜/用/忌/仇): 用:‘木’、喜:‘水’ 忌仇:‘火’、‘金’、‘土’ 八字原局官杀不算构成威胁。因八字中有暗合,会构成大火的可能。若流年月或者十年大运,天干着火的话,那么 “八字就会着火”。土壤厚干,火势没控制便会烧木(木生火;泄木气)。原有甲木会弱上加弱,日子就会变得更 加难熬。 职场: 工作可以选择木或水的性质的工作/行业为佳。属木或水性质的工作/行业可以在论坛搜索一下。*慎重考虑,不要随便换工作,因为现在的工作相当难找。 外表: 建议外表穿着不要穿得一片漆黑。选择搭配绿、青、海藻绿、湖蓝、天空蓝。外表整洁,留意颜色搭配,久而久之 会觉得有‘劲’,人要健康睡眠充足,精力带动‘劲’,然后气场会跟着调整。要是身体疲惫,再穿 多么好蓝/绿,磁场也会发挥不出来。保持整洁、精力充沛、穿着搭配得体,做起事来会得心应手,别人也会看 你顺眼。 以下几个要点(前面两个必须提。不要生气): 1. 心中特别不服输。从年少至今,就已经有这个问题。即使,你不服或者不认同你,你是不会吃亏的。嘴是人家的, 他们爱怎么说就怎么说。还有,你觉得自己的脾气如何? 2. 夫妻缘逊色,甚至与家人的缘淡。老师不会挖得太深,尊重你的隐私。您应该清楚交出了怎样的婚姻成绩单。她对 你好,只是你不知道,还当她是垃圾。问题先别怪别人,错也不一定是对方。(若)你有一个能跟你牵手的,就要 好好地对她。 3. 此外(简说);桃花多、霸权主意、小才华、经济条件蛮ok. 还好,固执性格不离谱(吃软不吃硬)。宗教缘佳。要吃斋念经消业,老师教你。 论运势: 2013年,差不多10月底之后开始(12个月以内),有劫。大关/小劫,老师不说。赶紧磕头忏悔认错,放生还来得及。劫数必然减轻。 2014-2016年,有起有落。往下滑比较多。 2017年开始(正好行己卯运),那一年年尾也有个劫数。2013年-2014年的劫如果能过关,并不代表这年(2017年)就同样。 老师分析命理,不动人因果。比如,快要离婚、劫数之类的话不会说。 ![]() Quote:
2. 老师没看过这门派的招式。何况这是‘补运’。 3. ‘补运’是短暂,不是永恒。 那些上Genting/MBS casino之前,先补运恐怕是浪费时间/精力。 要调好运势,不是一朝一夕。运不好又恰好逢遇流年不利,将会活得很苦。 Quote:
流年运程的书籍是作者们推出市场赚钱的伎俩,或提高他/她的知名度(金钱利益)。每一个人的八字命理不同,在论生肖与流年月份精准度有差。所以建议随 便看看。 Quote:
你人生前半段有波折,前面死拼命地行善积德,后面发生的事会改变。坐以待毙就保持原状的话,当劫数来的时候 不要怪仙佛菩萨没有保佑。 牺牲自己的时间,积极地去做善事不要酬报,上天会自动来关照你。 以上解答希望您满意!
Last edited by KinderBueno; 08-10-2013 at 09:52 PM. |
Re: Fortune Telling
Re: Fortune Telling
Don't think so, cos I went to her shop last sat and its aldy closed. I asked the cleaner aunty there and she told me the thai lady has gone bk to thai and be bk 2 mths later.
Re: Fortune Telling
Initially the details were quite vague but through repeating the same dream.... I was able to pick up details that I missed in the earlier dreams. I was traveling alone and on my journey I met a fellow traveller. Since he was also traveling alone we both did our travels together. We were comfortable with each other and made a great team.... except that he does not talk about his family or his past. All I knew was he had been studying overseas and was back after several years away. One day we were caught in a heavy snowstorm and were stranded at the railway station.... while waiting for the weather to clear and the next train was at least 2 days away there was nothing we could do except talk and talk. So I took this opportunity to press him for details about his family and personal life. Finally he relented and opened up a little..... "They split into 2 factions.... and fought each other bitterly until all of them died". Then he clammed up again and refused to divulge anymore info. The next day the weather cleared up a bit and vendors started coming to the station..... I saw a newspaper boy and bought a copy of the day's newspaper from him. The headline news on the front page was about the massacre of the entire members of a rich and powerful clan.... the newspaper report stated that due to a dispute over the clan's wealth...... the clan split into 2 factions and went to war with each other, eventually ended up with everyone dead ....... the story was so similar to that told by my traveling partner. I then looked up from reading the newspaper to look for my partner but he was nowhere to be found. So I returned back to the newspaper to carry on reading more..... apparently there was a sole survivor in the massacre..... he was able to escape the massacre because he was studying overseas. And the newspaper carried a picture of the sole survivor...... I was stunned when I saw the picture..... it was the picture of my traveling partner!! I searched the entire station for him but could not locate him..... and as I went back to our spot in the station.... I took another look at the newspaper and this time I got another shock....... the date in the newspaper was in the year 1953! This dream has kept recurring to me...... but till now I do not understand it. Somehow I get the feeling it is trying to pass a message to me. The more I try to analyse it the more I get confused. Who is this guy that was traveling with me? What has the clan war got to do with me? Why am I transported back to the year 1953? |
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