Yesterday I called 110, forget this number, useless. I then call direct to Government Financial Crime Bereau 0571-12345. An Officer No 17 attended my call and explain to him in detail. Today, the Financial Crime Team are at the KTV, the Boss called me and refunded the charge to my account. I told the Boss I still "tulan", though u refund me! It's not about money only but by the way you guys treat me....he begged me to cancel the report and he'll treat me free anytime I'm in Hangzhou at his 5 KTV Joint .... Trust him again ? Should I cancel the report ? I told him don't play play with Singapore Lang, treat us better and we will treat you good with our expenses....I'm still hesitating to cancel my report...what do you guys think ? Si if have problem, first nego, still cannot and call Police straight away....then last resort is 12345....They will force the local Officer to help you...
I was kena ripped off years ago by sauna in Nanjing, massage+HJ cost me 800rmb!!!
hope that u didn't cancel the report
Pm me to exchange points! min 4 pointers pls
uplist: wpns
sorry my mistake, what i meant was johnny walker blue label and not gordon bleu.
sorry but u mean u don't know that JW Blue Label is that expensive? it is abot 4 times the price of black label. please visit this page and take a look at the price range of different JW
Should I cancel the report ? I told him don't play play with Singapore Lang, treat us better and we will treat you good with our expenses....I'm still hesitating to cancel my report...what do you guys think ?
I think you should file the report. This will teach the owner a lesson and discourage the owner from doing this to other innocent victims.
sorry but u mean u don't know that JW Blue Label is that expensive? it is abot 4 times the price of black label. please visit this page and take a look at the price range of different JW
Thanks! Unfortunately, I am very new to the KTV scene. Have not really visited KTV until my posting to China recently. I made the assumption that the min charge of 4.8k was already very high and that we were not likely to exceed this. Wrong assumption, I guess.
sorry my mistake, what i meant was johnny walker blue label and not gordon bleu.
Bro, You should at least check the Duty free price of a bottle of blue label. In CP, a fake bottle of BL in an established joint would cost around RMB 1,100.00 liao.
I made the assumption that the min charge of 4.8k was already very high and that we were not likely to exceed this. Wrong assumption, I guess.
sorry bro, maybe just to clarify for you. The min room charge is basically to tell you that you need to spend at least 4.8k so if your bill does not comes up to that, they will still bill you 4.8k so do check the liquor that they order.
Originally Posted by sex crusader
Bro, You should at least check the Duty free price of a bottle of blue label. In CP, a fake bottle of BL in an established joint would cost around RMB 1,100.00 liao.
Bro, in CP a fake bottle of black label is already RMB 700-800, with the price difference between the blue and the black, i don't think you can get it anywhere below RMB 3,000
sorry bro, maybe just to clarify for you. The min room charge is basically to tell you that you need to spend at least 4.8k so if your bill does not comes up to that, they will still bill you 4.8k so do check the liquor that they order.
Bro, in CP a fake bottle of black label is already RMB 700-800, with the price difference between the blue and the black, i don't think you can get it anywhere below RMB 3,000
ha..ha..BL as in black label not blue.I am quoting the price as in dihao。
i agree..nowadays, major cities expenditure in china is high..spending 10k is very normal in ktv. i think some bros must stop thinking that the china today is still cheap like the old fact, it is the other way round. nowadays when i go back spore, i think going to spore ktv is cheaper..
Liddat I will look forward to you buying me drinks in SG liao
Liddat I will look forward to you buying me drinks in SG liao
haha...thanks for the drinks the last time. as for buying you drinks, no issue, haha. whether i am in spore or shanghai, you want me to treat, i treat lo..
sorry bro, maybe just to clarify for you. The min room charge is basically to tell you that you need to spend at least 4.8k so if your bill does not comes up to that, they will still bill you 4.8k so do check the liquor that they order.
Bro, in CP a fake bottle of black label is already RMB 700-800, with the price difference between the blue and the black, i don't think you can get it anywhere below RMB 3,000
Thanks for the advice. I just arrived in S.China for my 1st posting in this part of the world. Learning quite fast liao, but probably have a long way to go.
Today, had a longest hair wash of my life! 70 min of shampooing and scalp massage! Followed by a haircut and all for RMB60....this was in Shatin (沙田) in Dong Guan. Was told that almost all hotel has it's own suana or ktv here, but have not tried. Anyone with some good recommendation?
haha...thanks for the drinks the last time. as for buying you drinks, no issue, haha. whether i am in spore or shanghai, you want me to treat, i treat lo..
btw, how isit going on with the mummies? hehe
Haha, just pretend you dont know about the mummy thing, ok?
No need treats la bro, you bring me explore places in SH I very grateful liao.
See you soon...
PS: sorry for wrong post in wrong thread.
Just to add on this topic, whether rip-off or not, if this is your first time to a new place, you should at least maintain some soberness. Rip-off on money is small matter, safety more important. 2 cents worth