Re: Arrest Case
i dare to say most parts of china is quite safe(except the xinjiang area) if he was mongering in north korea or mongolia ,he would have not only lost money and most likely kena physical torture or beating in mongolia's infamous''water'' jails or north korea labour camps i have been to both north korea and mongolia of course north korea is much worse than mongolia and of course mongolia is worse than china many of my chinamen friends who were locked up by mongolia police for smuggling contraband across the china- mongolia border told me they were beaten up inside mongolia's police stations and subjected to physical and racial abuse from what i know most mongols hate the han chinese and look down on china people because mongolia used to be a puppet state of the former soviet union there was once when i crossed the china-mongolia border into mongolia 2 mongol soldiers asked me for some pocket money,when i refused to give they delayed me checked my luggage for 2hours then called down mongol narcotics officers to body search me etc in the end they let me go as i stilll refused to pay the bribe and i did not carry any drugs in my luggage that is mongolia for you as for north korea you are not allowed to bring any cell phones and computers with you when you enter the north, a north korean guide will follow you at all times, you cannot travel on your own if you break any rules the north korean secret police will send you to a labour camp ( the singapore government does not have a embassy in north korea) so only money can save you , north korea needs lots of money |
Cheers. |
Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations
We postponed our original 17 & 18 Nov KTV sessions to 20 & 21 Nov, on the advice of our manager Gigi who helped us booked the rooms. She's honest and didn't try to be vague about the raids and checks. Indeed, it seems safer and wiser to wait a couple more days. Meanwhile our two bros who arrived yesterday went to Desert Storm KTV 惠州曼横顿,they tried the flower street and it turns out better than we expected, but that place is horrible with dust storms blowing - perhaps that's why the police didn't bother to raid there as its too dusty lol.
I'm back in Beijing to do some work these couple of days and I'll be back in South China on Wednesday, any bros like to hang out Danshui on 20 & 21 Nov pls get in touch via PM.
CHINA FR Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV http://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.ph...&postcount=424 28 Oct - 1 Nov Bangkok FR Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov #6 MOOK (Poseidon) #63 Aee (Nataree) #20 NOON (CCK massage) |
Danshui KTVs
Danshui KTVs hostesses are told to go on vacation and report work only after 20/11/14 (Thu).
Any changes will update here. Bird no lay egg Desert Storm KTV as per normal. |
Re raid in shanghai
today news reported a vice raid in shanghai click link below http://news.qq.com/a/20141118/059854...12&ptlang=2052 |
Re: Re raid in shanghai- video
click link below to watch video http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2014-11-18/185831165011.shtml |
Danshui Red Alert
Wow situation for this whole week not looking good man.
Re: Danshui Red Alert
here is some juicy news ,today news of a traffic policeman raped a female student in shenzhen
[摘要]光明分局19日的通报称,11月18日2时,深圳市光明分局光明派出所接到叶小姐报警,称其在光明新区公常 路东森机动车驾驶训考场内被强奸。接报后,光明所值班领导及民警立即赶赴现场开展勘验调查。 19日,深圳市交警局车管所一名民警涉嫌强奸一名成年女子被警方刑事拘留,案件正在进一步调查。光明分局1 9日对此事做了通报,深圳交警随后向南方日报记者证实此事属实。光明分局19日的通报称,11月18日2时 ,深圳市光明分局光明派出所接到叶小姐报警,称其在光明新区公常路东森机动车驾驶训考场内被强奸。接报后, 光明所值班领导及民警立即赶赴现场开展勘验调查。 通报称,经调查,报警人叶某某(女,1987年生,东森教练场文员)于11月17日晚与其他同事一起,在杨 某(男,1972年生,深圳市公安局交警支队车管处民警,派驻东森机动车驾驶训考场考官)宿舍饮酒聊天。其 他同事离去后,杨某违反叶某某意愿,强行与其发生了性关系,后叶某某拨打110报警。犯罪嫌疑人杨某因涉嫌 强奸罪已于11月18日被我分局刑事拘留,案件正在进一步调查。 深圳市交警局公共关系工作人员19日下午亦正式向南方日报做出回应,称此事属实,交警支队将吸取教训,进一 步加强人员教育和队伍管理。回应全文如下: 1、杨某系我支队车管处民警,派驻东森机动车驾驶训考场考官; 2、经查,杨某在工作期间表现正常,未发现违法违纪情况; 3、该案件目前由光明分局办理和具体情况已光明分局调查结果为准; 4、针对该案件,我支队将吸取教训,进一步加强内部人员的教育和队伍管理。返回腾讯网首页>> 50相关链接返回顶部 so rapes are occuring in china |
Rape Case
After drinking and TCSS then rape the victim in his dormitory. 民警 is low level police. Usually carry baton only. This time he push his rod too far. |
Re: Rape Case
in singapore jail he would have gotten few lashes of the cane,legacy of the british rule in china jail no caning, some more i heard in china jail one's family and relatives can remit money,food and cigarettes to the inmate many singaporeans overseas have remarked that european prisons are the best like holiday camps in europe some jails are equipped with computers for the inmates to surf internet and television for them in the cell guess singapore prison is the worst of the lot |
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
Anyone doing DS or HZ ktv next week?
Re: Huizhou Recommendations
We have two KTV sessions planned next week im Danshui on 28&29Nov, welcome to join us.
Meanwhile, I have two bros in Huizhou desert storm KTV right now, they meant to be partying tonight in Danshui but they relocated to desert storm due to the checks here.
CHINA FR Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV http://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.ph...&postcount=424 28 Oct - 1 Nov Bangkok FR Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov #6 MOOK (Poseidon) #63 Aee (Nataree) #20 NOON (CCK massage) |
Huicheng/Huiyang Red Alert
Apparently Huicheng district also receive warning to tone down also.
So this red alert is Huizhou City wide. |
Huicheng/Huiyang Red Alert
Apparently Huicheng district also receive warning to tone down also.
So this red alert is Huizhou City wide. |
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