An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Even those of us who don't give a fcuk about literature in English will have heard of the above at some point of our lives (the phrase in parentheses excluded.)
But what the 69.9% of Sinkies don't know is that Sinkieland is by far the best example of the world's stage. Her politicians are extremely good actors, some of whom had been coached by their fathers since childhood. Needless to say their fathers were cabinet ministars appointed by Old Fart.
A family that has become particularly adept at the art of wayang is the "exceptional Familee". The latest wayang by Buy-High-Sell-Low at a state dinner hosted by the US President is a feeble attempt to draw global attention that Familee cares about the plight of the less fortunate and underpriviledged.
I prefer the German word "Scheinheiliger" to the French loanword "hypocrite" (Yes, the English word is borrowed from the French.) "scheinen" in German translates as "to appear" and "heiige, heilig, heiligen" are derivatives in German for "holy, saintly". Used together, "scheinheiligen" means "to appear saintly, to appear holy".
Buy-High-Sell-Low wants the world to know that she's a saint championing the holy cause of the disadvantaged in Sinkie society. To this end, together with Sinkie state-controlled media, she has her porlumpars and sicko-fans (read: sycophants) to hype up her saintly image at the state dinner at the White House.
However, the 30.1% of Sinkies aren't going to buy into it. If Buy-High-Sell-Low and her husband, Chief Natural Aristocrat, are really--I mean sincerely--trying to improve the lives of the underpriviledged and the less fortunate, they'll follow what Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg et. al. have done--pledge more than half of their wealth to charity by signing up at
But Buy-High-Sell-Low and Chief Natural Aristocrat are in a Catch 22 situation: damn if they do and damn if they don't. If they sign up at, the whole world will know that Old Fart was actually the richest man in Asia with Li Ka Shing and Wang Jianming coming in a distant second and third. If they don't Sinkies will know the highest profile Sinkie couple are a bunch of hypocrites. They'll simply dismiss the acts by Buy-High-Sell-Low at subsequent foreign state dinners as mere wayang.
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