An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
A reader sent a photo to TRE yesterday (13 Jun) of a notice posted at a community club (CC) for residents who wanted to watch free live screenings of the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches.
According to a People Association’s (PA) press release last month [Link], from 13 June to 14 July, the PA’s CCs will screen the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches live at 30 CCs islandwide. All 64 matches will be screened at these locations.
PA said that such live screenings will help bring people who share the same love for football together, to interact and make new friends.
Mr Ang Hak Seng, BBM, Chief Executive Director of PA said, “Football matches are best enjoyed with our friends and neighbours.”
“We hope this will inspire new friendships within the community and a new passion for the sport,” he added.
However, when the reader read the CC’s notice, he became angry:
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