An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Put values before material wealth, and appreciate the elderly in society, Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing said at a symposium for students on Saturday.
"Between values and money, values come first...
How we treat our elders sets an example of how our children will treat us. We lead by example," Mr Chan said, adding that the recent Pioneer Generation package was intended to honour the elders who have contributed to the country.
He was speaking to some 150 secondary school students at the service learning symposium held at the Singapore Management University (SMU). The event, in its second year, served as a platform for young people to learn skills related to community service and discuss ideas.
Mr Chan urged the students to take a different perspective towards community work. "We seem to be very concerned about doing things for them," he said, referring to the elderly and vulnerable. But a better approach would be to "enable them to achieve, and not just to deliver for them". This would allow those being helped to have greater ownership and pride, he said.
This clown of a PM-in-waiting keeps talking cock - if only he follows half of his own advice. He talked down at the regional leaders, like he's their seniors.
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