The relationship between food and social interaction is not exactly a novel concept -- from dinner parties, to a widespread fear of eating out alone, to memories of sharing a kitchen with other family members, there is something to be said for food's ability to bring people together. But with our increasing dependence on and obsession with technology (and specifically, various devices), the things that have traditionally brought us together are at risk of wielding less influence over our daily interactions.
But while many technological advancements have received flak for making us more isolated and less social, there are apps that have tried to bridge the gap between technology and interpersonal relationships -- many of which have chosen to do this through food.
Apps such as Grouper, Grubwithus, LeftoverSwap, EatWith, and HomeDine all use technology to encourage strangers to eat (or in the case of Grouper, drink) together...
Think Ch8 news reported this just now... with some chiobus.
Any1 tried these apps already?
Can be F(Food)B(Buddies) with the capital P(Piak?)
I must be out of touch...