Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
i sent this to her this morning ...
3) kg muon goi dien thoai anh tai vi rat mac. and she reply... tai sau biet tieng viet nhieu vay simi lai a? TIA. |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
simple one I can try
why (you) know so much tieng viet |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
I also want hands-on but too many obstacles around currently. I guess lao banh is chinese based on the context.
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Kaypoh nia, where did you get to know her?
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
You also need "jua di"...Yusof Ishak $$$...alot of $$$...
First you posted on Vietnam - HCM thread... then you learn tieng viet posting on Tieng Viet Lovers Club thread... very soon you will need to post in Understanding Vietnamese Life Partner thread...better start reading this thread before you dwell deeper into VBs...hahaha...kekeke...
Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread Please do not post when you PM somebody Please Do Not reply long post, always edit... may zap and remove post |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
even if she doesn't to be the above, i also wouldn't share this site wif her. well, know her thru my fren's gal who is a viet. we went to the theme park in hcm so she was called along. i love photography n she likes to pose n be shot, my fav. keke |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Thom07 and vagrant improves so much now. jackbl and KT can retire from this thread already... |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
her pics will not be exposed for now cos i need 100% surrounding clearance
to do uploading. in the time being, i store her pics in my 'secret' harddisk which is out of reach from my wife. my head will broken if my tigress saw it. hahaha |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
thx all bros for help. now she dun want reply me or ans my call.. sian.. duno wat she thinking.. communication problem la..
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Can be many reasons she dun answer your call...she need money to survive here and you dun pay her...so she need to work la...
Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread Please do not post when you PM somebody Please Do Not reply long post, always edit... may zap and remove post |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
No wonder those native vietnamese speakers here didnt come out to lend a hand, its we didnt lay out red carpet.... They are GREAT GRANDMASTER.
Yesterd Vagrant went to learn more vietnamese and got 1 very good teacher who can speak mandarin well. I think he improved tremendous again.
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Vagrant bo jio again *sigh*
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Ko muon actually means don't want... so your sentence would mean...
don't want to call me because very expensive. IMHO, a more appropriate word to use would be 'dung', as in... E dung goi dt cho a tai vi rat mac |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
李总理盼新越企业 相互投资互惠互利
================================================== ==== 河内 新加坡与越南多年来在政府层面展开多项合作,奠定了非常友好的双边关系。李显龙总理表示希望两国企业也 能踊跃到对方国家发掘新的商机,使新越关系在互惠互利的基础上变得更加坚实。 新年伊始,越南昨天迎来2010年第一位外国领导人。李总理抵达首都河内开始四天正式访问,一下飞机就 感受到令人神清气爽的十几摄氏度气温。他过后对邀请他到访的越南总理阮晋勇说:“这里的气温虽然比新加坡凉 快得多,但是你们的欢迎,让我倍感温暖。” 他昨晚在阮晋勇在国际会议中心为新加坡代表团而设的晚宴上,表示新加坡欢迎越南公司前来投资,大大小小 的新加坡公司也有兴趣到越南投资。 “我希望越南政府能鼓励,并协助这些企业拓展业务。” 他说:“两国在政府对政府层面的合作良好,如果在经济与商业方面也有更多的合作,将有助于在新越之间建 立起互惠互利,并且更为充实的关系。” 新越企业之间的合作昨天迈进了一小步。李总理和阮晋勇在河内的政府大楼见证了四家有意在越南拓展业务的 新加坡公司,同它们各自的越南业务伙伴签订合作协议。 两国领导人 提出新合作项目 李总理昨天下午率领新加坡代表团同以阮晋勇为首的越南政府代表团举行会谈时,双方都认为两国政府与双方企业 的合作应同步进行。两位领导人一方面讨论如何扩大政府与政府之间的合作,并且提出新的合作项目,包括由新加 坡协助越南提升在人力资源开发、交通与旅游业发展方面的能力。另一方面,他们也同意应在电信、港口、物流、 金融服务和民航方面积极开拓商机。 总理上一次是在2006年到河内出席第14届亚太经济合作组织经济领导人会议。越南国家主席阮明哲则在 去年11月访新,而纳丹总统也于前年二月到越南作国事访问。 李总理表示双方领导人之间的互访和其他层面的交流,反映了两国政治联系的密切程度。他指出,新越的经济 联系近年也显著加强,双边贸易额去年达到130亿元。新加坡也是越南的第五大投资国,在越南共有760个投 资项目,总额达170亿元。 在2005年12月签订的新越联系框架协定是两国展开经济合作的基础。对于双方官员进一步把城市规划等 领域列入合作项目,李总理表示欢迎。 阮晋勇在晚宴上讲话时,祝贺新加坡经济取得强劲回弹,并表示相信新加坡必能在全球经济危机结束后占据领 先地位。他也指出,新越两国不只在政治和经济方面有着密切的合作关系,也在旅游业、文化、安全及民间交流方 面有频密往来。 越南今年是亚细安的轮值主席国,落实亚细安宪章将是它的重点任务。李总理表示将在亚细安事务方面给予越 南鼎力支持。 我国也表示期待越南加入太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定,一起实现最终构建亚太自由贸易区的理想。太平洋战 略经济伙伴关系协定目前的成员有新加坡、文莱、智利和纽西兰,美国、越南、澳洲和秘鲁都表示有意加入,预料 谈判可在近月启动。 李总理昨天傍晚也到越南共产党总部同越共中央总书记农德孟会晤。
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
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