Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
NC in Haikou
大上海俱乐部 海口市龙昆北路新温泉大酒店内 联系电话:0898-66711111 关键字:夜生活-夜总会 素有"法国红磨坊"之称,营业面积6000平方米,是海南最大的夜总会。装潢气势恢弘,富于浓郁的怀旧情调 。十人爵士乐队、20名专业歌舞蹈艺员、30名时装佳丽、300名公关小姐,汇萃中外、古今艺术精品。高品 位、高格调、大气势的表演,蜚声海内外。46个KTV包厢,配备6种语言之歌带,并拥有全海南较大较豪华的 总统包厢,是您一展歌喉,尽情尽兴之所。 ----------- 嘉贝年华国际俱乐部 海口市世纪大桥西侧“新外滩?复兴城”B区1-3楼 联系电话:0898-66566888 66566999 关键字:夜生活-俱乐部 嘉贝年华国际俱乐部是一个多功能的大型综合娱乐中心,本项目从设计到装修均请国内一流的专家和团队联手 打造。内有酒吧、演艺、KTV、餐厅、迪斯科等多种娱乐项目,同时可容纳500人消费,是目前海南规模最大 、档次最高的大型的国际俱乐部。 酒吧特色:慢摇吧风格,中心大型舞池采用国际最新设计的灯光音响。灯光为全新的LED高科技产品、音响 则是国际顶级的码田音响,为海口仅有。酒吧家具特聘国内设计师量身定做,有意大利式、日式等各种具有最新国 际时尚经典元素。 酒品:汇聚多种世界知名酒水品牌,;聘请国内顶尖调酒大师制作各类时尚配置酒,品种多达5 00种。 KTV特色:这里的KTV采用最新进口的灯光音响设备、声光变化组合均为国内一流水平。八组风格独特的 公共通道,让客人出入极其便捷,变化丰富的空间感受,带给人深刻的印象。KTV区有5间面积达100多平方 米的包房,多达28种不同的装修风格,尽显尊贵于豪华。包厢配备高级软硬各种设施,音响、电脑上网,软件歌 库。特聘香港澳门特色厨艺,可以按客户要求现场制作各类生果、小点、调酒文化,KTV还设立商务中心,提供 旅游定房、定机票、饮食等一条龙服务。 消费优惠:营业期间,嘉贝年华采取累积消费方式,按消费级别发展会员制。让长期消费获得更 多优惠。 -----------------------------
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
part 2 ..... old picture posted before also ...last july trip.... I join all the photo together and reduce the size, hope those bro haven see before can enjoy
to be continue ..... |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Which part of China did you seek these syts out?
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Bro, I only K1 in CP, bro Coolman, kiwi, Botak and Lookaround2 MBA
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
did I say they are from china? they are not from china, they are for a private party hosted and the place is not in china also, Asia with China focus ma, I haven been to china yet so no photo to post on china MMs
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
then u can join us in nov....... u need kiwi to polish his balls???? Just came back from reservice got kiwi left..... hahahaha...
Any bro want to chong together can PM me. |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Just WORK hard and BONK harder lor. |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Bro Speedray is too modest. Speedway is a regular visitor to the middle kingdom and this is his second trip to CP within the last 3 months. So if he is K1 then I must be a toddler learning to walk,
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Thanks for the nice pictures.
Think you already stated at the other thread that they are from LOS.
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
Thanks for sharing. She look so different from the picture that you posted for your previous trip.
[QUOTE=Botarbolampar;2263510]My photo-shot model - KTV mm QUOTE]
無業游民 |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
hahahah i then K1... With botar's help hope can grad from K1 and proceed to K2 this nov.... hahahah
Any bro want to chong together can PM me. |
Re: Asia with China focus - TCSS, photos plus golf
WAH Botar is this the gal that u told me that "干到你干干的“????
In pic she don't look so hungry leh.... hahahaha must intro me to this kind of gals hor.... those as hungry as her.... hahahaha
Any bro want to chong together can PM me. |
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