Originally Posted by Blongwhale
Anyone knows who is this abuser is? Came back from overseas only to find out that he has been dating my sister and physically abusing her. Why cant the police do anything?
All i am getting is that its not an arrestable offence? what Bullshit is this?!?!?! anyone knows the law over here? i think they met on facebook... fucking shame this guy please. Get him off every where. report this guy!!! Apparently very popular with the girls? that im not too sure...
All i know is, that he is hurting my sister, she lives only with my mom and im going of again in 3 weeks. The link is the only information i have of him. Get him off facebook... cant find him on twitter. If any of you find him on anywhere... public or social media. Please do some justice. i just want my sister to be alright.
If he is hurting your sister, getting him off facebook is the least of your worries.
Usually, physical abuse is also accompanied by financial abuse. Ask your sister if he has taken money from her.
The police will not do anything unless they are pressured from their higher-ups. All the bullshit about police protection orders being reserved only for immediate family is nonsense. There is a Protection From Harassment Act that is meant to protect people like your sister.
Find out as much biographical details of the guy, escalate the matter to the highest possible authorities, and seek your Member of Parliament for assistance.