Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Continued… … …
As Brenda was licking my ear it really turned me on. I sure Brenda having so much experience with so many guys she would really know how to make a guy standing at full attention with ease. I was feeling uncomfortable at this time because Brenda was my good friend and we share everything and was really close like brother and sister and that weird funny feeling was making me feel uncomfortable although my dick was responding to her touches and her advances towards me. She was licking my ears by tingling them with her tongue and slowly give me the slight tickle feeling which really arouse me a lot. She was now licking onto my face moving towards my mouth. I moved a little to the side. A signal that I did not want to be kissing her, I did not know why I did that but seems that it was natural that you would not want to kiss someone that you always treat like a sister right? She then asked me. Brenda: Hey *** How long have you known me already? Me: Almost all my life I suppose. *paused. I believe has be around 8 years I guess. Brenda: You mean you never think of making out with me?? Me: Ermmmm hell no, we always good friends and I dun want to destroy our friendship. **I blurted out honestly. Brenda: Dun worried it just all in the name of fun. You know me right. Promised what happen within the wall stays here ok. ** She Smiled with her half drunken state. **I always known Brenda to be super horny but not this kinda of Horniess level. It was quite a smile loving smile but hell no we weren’t in love. I stumble towards the bed and I lie down there. She closed the door behind her and she collapsed unto me as I was lying face down towards the bed. She was now licking my neck while caressing my lower back. I was really turn on right now and my dick was getting really hard and really uncomfortable being suffocated from the weight of me and Brenda on it. Brenda is a really gorgeous girl and I know any guy would want to bang her. She had the perfect model figure although many would think that she might be on the skinny side. I motion myself signalling that I would like to turn over and she move sideways so that I could turn myself over facing upwards. In my mind I was think the girl I wanted to bang so much tonight was veronica and not you. I always want big tits and Brenda Tits were surely not big enough for me. My head was spinning now due to the alcohol and it was taking its toll on my head. But my dick was raging hard from the licks i was getting around my tummy area. Brenda: Wow Woow!! Look at you getting all hard but just looking at me and all these years you never ever think about wanting to fuck me? All guys are the same bastards! **Slaps me quite hard on the chest. Those that would surely leave like 5 finger marks on your chest the next morning. That shock me quite a bit and I think my dick shown it as it when a little semi soft. Brenda assisted me in taking my shirt off. I took my shirt off and I was thinking what the fuck! I am just going to play along and enjoy the party man. Why think so much already anyway its Graduation right? As I was taking my shirt off, Brenda Shifted her attention to my dick and struggle a little before managing to strip me off my pants. I was now naked lying on the bed and starting to realized that the room was a little stuffy only to realized that the air con was not turned on. Brenda was now tingling my dick with her tongue. She dripped some of her Saliva unto my nice hard dick and using her tongue to circle like tasting a lollipop. It feel so good and make my dick even harder even with the throbbing of my head from the drinks. Brenda licked and licked and was now working up and down my shaft I swear that her blowjob skill was really up there, I was already wanted to blow my load into her mouth, with just maybe less that 10 blowing action. I tried to distracted myself by using my hands to now fondled her from her back to her nice slim flat tummy touching and caressing them towards her breast while I was now licking her neck area. As I was a little shorter than Brenda, It was a little hard for me to get to her mouth with having to reach for it and that would make me really uncomfortable. I was starting to sweat abit from the humility of the room and also the alcohol that was churning in my body right now. My heart was pumping really fast, to feel what was happening down below of me. Brenda was now moving to sucking (gently) my dick to licking my balls. She was one very active person as she was licking, and really seems to be enjoy pleasuring me as I let out soft moan to her licking. I was still licking her and distracting myself by caressing and cupping her bra that was covering her boobs now. To be continued… … … |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
2 episode back to back hope you guys enjoy reading...
Just a heads up i would be in China for the week and i am afraid i might not be able to update the post. Once i get back next wednesday i would fill you guys in on at least another 2 more episode of my experience... Cheers!! Thanks all who have Upped me and my supportive readers |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Waadd?? Nxt wednesday? Damn... |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Have a nice trip in china! Maybe u can type more over there n 1 shot more than 2 long episode. Stay safe Bro!
Thanks to all the bros who gave me points, will return the favour as soon as I can.. Cheers! Please leave your nick behind so that I know who. |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Great story line! Keep up the gd work bro! Hav a great trip! Looking fwd to ur nxt post
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Ahh close to climax of the story bro! Keep it going..
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
i'm also in china.....waiting for your updates....take care and safe journey
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Waiting with patience.
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Dude Cool story there!!
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
As I caress Brenda back towards her tummy I could feel her body warm and that was turning me on by the second and the minute. She was still slowly licking my balls so ever skillfully. I was now using my other hands to touch her ever smooth long legs moving my hand along towards her inner thighs. She was responding to my touches as I could hear her soft moans with every gently touch I was giving her at her inner thighs while my other hands were working her other boobs from outside her bra.
She was now licking from my balls upwards to the top of my shaft once her tongue was at the tip she would then playfully use the tip of her tongue to circle around my prick. She has already pulled my foreskin back and it was ultra sensitive. Every moment then on, was me trying to think about anything else on this earth then releasing my load into her mouth. I kind of felt the pressure of not disappointing her as I know she was kind of a godess when it come to sexual experience she was surely up there, compare to me. I have now lifted her bra, squeezing my finger in between her bra and her breast. I tried to use tiny squeezes to her head of her nipple to arouse her hopefully, and it did work as her moans were becoming slightly louder by the moment. I was starting to feel a little sweat trickle down my forehead as the room was getting a little warm and slight stuffy but I did not want to spoil the mood by complaining about it. Brenda saw that her bra underwire was obstructing me from fully touching her breast so she used one of her hands to move behind her breast and unbuckle her bra and I assisted her in taking them off. Now I can see both her breast in full view. It was hanging from the position that she was in and take made her breast look a little bigger than a B cup but nevertheless her nice fair smooth smooth skin just turn me on and I just could not help but use both my hands to cupped her breast although I was in a quite awkward position to cupped both breast instead of one side. As I had to tilt my body side way a little. She soon Return to sucking my dick moving up and down in her mouth and she was deep throating me and she was so skillfull that I could feel the full wetness of her mouth and the tenderness of her mouth without feeling her teeth touching my dick while she was moving up and down in a 1-2 second interval. I was really hard rock by now from all her sucking. She then suddenly stand up and remove all her clothing till her panties (right in front of me) she was looking down on me and she said. Brenda: can you please lick me? I am so fucking wet and horny right now. **brenda was always the loud spoken kinda of Girl that shout 'fuck' and 'Chee bye!' not all girls would like this kind of girls de. Very out spoken kind of girl. I looked at her. With her assisting I got out of bed and was amazed at how hard I was considering the level of highness I was with the drinks. On not,al terms My dick should be not standing and I should have been passing out very very soon as well. For a moment I was standing right beside her before she lay down facing toward the ceiling and me on the bed. She automatically open her leg to me. I was still starting in a daze there as the blood was rushing to my head and I was slightly dizzy from the drinks and the stuffiness in the air in the room. Brenda Broke the silence of the room. Brenda: Please lick me *** I sure you have done it before right? Her voice brought my thoughts back to where I was and what was happening. I knelt down on the floor and put my face right beside her pussy I moved her silky underwear to the side. I could now see her nice clean shaven pussy but she kept this tiny little trim bush further up her pussy which I think it was pretty cute. I started to let my tongue out unto her pussy I was kinda of shy as she was my very good friend and the awkwardness between her and me just came into me again. Her pussy Still has this little smell from her pee just now. I was not use to it but as I licked her she became more and more wet and her juice were starting to flow unto my mouth and it was not so bad after all and I started to like how I was pleasuring her as her moans were being more and more aggressive and she was wriggling on the bed as sign of pure pleasure, I hope. To be continued... |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
camping for more here
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
fucking gd adventure
envious of u la |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
welcome back.. great update..
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Yeah i thank God everyday for giving me good buddies and happening friends to live to the fullest of my Adventurous past.
But its all the past already. Writing it out really give me the joy in re-living the past once again... |
Re: [True Story] My school motivation retreat turn mini Orgy
Continued… …
Brenda was now moaning pretty loudly regardless whether the other room would be able to hear us or not. I stopped for a second and say “can you please keep it down a little! There are others in the room beside us.” Brenda: Can you please Dun stop licking me I feeling good! (in a moaning manner.) Me: Shhhss!! (putting my finger on my lips signalling to her to keep her mouth shut.) Brenda was giving out soft purred of moans that surely will turn any guy on those moan of submission that tells you that she was more than willing to do anything you want her to do. Those that give you the feeling that she was all yours. I now use my finger to insert her wet pussy, dripping with her juice and move my finger in and out, for moments Brenda would break out into a small shiver a sign of her pleasure from my fingering and licking of her. I was now licking her at the tip of her pussy where the clit was and I sure she was enjoying the round motions I was doing with my tongue all over it. Her Little trim pussy hair was tickling my nose but the sensation that it was giving me was funny yet it turn me on a lot. My dick was getting softer by the time I guess it was the alcohol that was kicking in and I could not stand that long I suppose. Well I started to speed up my fingering as I could feel the tense in Brenda and I felt that she is going to climax pretty soon. She then grab my other hand that was free and put my hands over her Breast. They were a little moist now from her sweat. She was getting alittle wet all over because she was perspiring from the warm in the room. Brenda: Please squeeze me. Squeeze me and I will cum for you! **I was putting my palm down unto her breast and I was cupping it and playing with it. Brenda: Pinch my nipples play with them. Pinch them and I will cum for you ok. ( saying this with soft sexy moan in between.) ** I then use my thumb and my index finger to play with her nipples flipping them like some switches on a switch board and also squeezing the bottom of the nipples. The moment I squeeze them Brenda would just have mini shiver and moan with pleasure. As I was speeding up my fingering while playing with her nipples. A gush of Juice from her pussy squirted out from her. It was squirting out like she was peeing onto my hand. This was my first time see a girl squirting it was not so much of a turn on for me. But her mini squirts were coming on again and again while she was screaming with the pillow on top of her face trying to muffled her screams. I was kinda of please with myself when I saw this happening because its seem like the pressure was off me because I was so stress and was thinking on how to please this goddess of sex. ( Because Brenda was one Horny girl in school that I know of). The pressure of playing up to Brenda Game, really got to me and it make me nervous and make me scare which make me less confident and I believe that some how will affect your performance in bed and things like that. Brenda was still savouring every single last moment of her Cumming and orgasming from my fingering of her pussy as she was move and shirmming in the bed from side to side and tossing her head left and right. And by looking at her beauty of how her hair just mess up by her shirmming here and there just made her way way sexy. I sat down from my kneeling position onto the floor and was trying to let my finger rest as the fast finger took a little toll on my hands there and the pinching of her nipples were cramping up my finger somehow ( I pinched real hard for the nipples as she keep asking me to pinch harder). I lay my back on the wall right beside the bed to keep my head in place as I felt alittle dizzy from the drinks. I knew I drank a little over my limit as I was feeling a little shitty right now. Well It was a good 5-6 mins as I lay against the wall when Brenda Tried to sit up from her lying down position. I was feeling quite warm and stuffy then I just wanted to go and push the on button for air con but my legs were not listening to my command. Brenda now sitting at the side of the bed she looked at me in a very sexy yet a little shagged face and said. Brenda: Wow your little brother so weak one meh? So fast gone soft liao huh. I’m not hot enough for you huh? Me: nah I very seh and tired la. Brenda : ohh is that why your didi cannot stand huh? ** Little giggles as she sat her butt on the floor right beside me only in her panties. Me: How would I know. ** I remember that my head was spinning around and around and I was really really high by now. The next thing I knew Brenda was using her hand and playing my dick like it was some toy. She was flicking my dick up and down and was amuse by how my soft didi is not standing up. She giggled and ask if I needed help to get my didi to stand or not. And she laughed and asked if I was impotent and cannot stand? She must be really high too because she forgot that moments ago I was rock hard and she was sucking on my dick. Suddenly she said. “ Come let me help you. I am still very horny you know” Pouting her lips together acting cute. With her Help I manage to get back on the bed and as soon I got back on the bed I lied now only to realized that I was sweating quite a bit now from the heat. I asked Brenda to on the aircon as It was getting real stuff in here and she said she like it that way. I gave her -.- face. Brenda was now using her fingers to tingle my inner thighs as she locked her eyes on me. To be continued… … … |
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