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help needed: guangzhou
will be going to guangzhou next month. will be spending a few days with my china gf in guangzhou area
any brothers here can offer suggestion for short vacation near guangzhou , eg beach resort, hot spring, romantic place? thks in advance |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
any bros out there who have been to the mentioned places?
thks |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
There is a hot spring resort in Zhuhai. Maybe you can give it a try.
Re: help needed: guangzhou
廣州 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]廣州表面好像一表正經﹐于北京路﹐上下九路﹐天河城等地﹐有很多女孩子行街﹐敢泡不敢泡了﹐就看你們自己﹐ 一般則在Disco或酒吧中出沒較多﹐雖然如此﹐有很多地方還不及東莞与深圳。 交通 從拱北車站搭大巴到廣州大約2小時到達廣交會場 (錦漢車站旁)﹐車資 55元。 美眉 掃街 1.天河區--- a.天河城廣場附近 b.體育西路與體育東路上 c.在天河區體育東路與黃埔大道的丁字路口(冼村附近),到了6-8點鐘左右,黃埔大道南側(冼村集貿市場西側),不用仔細找,差不多每隔几米就會有女孩子站在那不動,但是 ,姿色好的實在不多。 d.天河南二路華僑友誼賓館附近 2.泰沙路江南大酒店附近﹐公價150-200元﹐過夜400-500元。 3.海珠區海珠廣場附近﹐資色較差﹐一砲100-200元。 4.沙河區站壁的,姿色普普但有幼齒的﹐價碼短鐘150至300元。 髮廊 廣州市的橫沙沙邊街、南崗沙步村、滄聯村、花地廣場、中市、坑口村、天河南、沙河、元崗、冼村、獵德、石牌 、環市東路、楊基村、三元里村、石排村等舊的農民村都有很多髮廊﹐每條村聚集了几百個小姐,公 定價是30-50元鐘費,打炮100元,吹蕭再加50元,可謂物美價廉,小姐質素也不錯,以三元里最好。 賓館 巴士下車之後很多人會拉客,房價約兩百六,你跟他要求打6-7折。 1.藝星賓館﹐三星級﹐軍方開的,公安絕對不敢查房,超安全的,價格大概230元就可以了。而房間設備不錯 ,很寬敞.視野很好(總共有18樓,包含有吃飯的,唱歌的,和桑拿等樓層) 2.廣州梓元軍區飯店﹐離車站很近﹐不查房。每晚大約一百多元。 3.華僑酒店:門房管理員會機八,但是也不會查房。 4.廣源西路的銀海賓館〈沙河區〉,總机電話是020-87718388﹐這個是部隊的產業,絕對沒有人查房。標准間的房費是180元。 5.麓景路的登峰賓館﹐房價約200元以下,房間品質普通﹐小姐很多﹐公價短鐘200元。 6.江南大酒店、華泰賓館、連江賓館、海珠飲食中心(江南大道上) 7.海珠中心、華海酒店(海珠區) 8.登月酒店﹐廣州童心路三號﹐020-83592988﹐入夜後酒店內外鶯鶯燕燕,外加四樓桑拿﹐夜夜春宵。 桑拿洗浴 1.黃浦大道海濤酒店下的金濤桑拿中心。不可與小姐"做",最高級的服務就是"推油"(小費最少2 00元) 2.黃沙大道如意坊的仙泉閣桑拿健身中心。不少漂亮小姐、收費合理﹐服務花樣多,分為﹕“推油"(小費20 0元)、光"做"(小費300元)、用"波"推油+做愛(小費400元)、全套﹕吹蕭+做愛(小費400元 )、一條龍:吹蕭(冰火五重天)+做愛+推油(小費600元)。 3.住在廣州內非飯店門縫﹐就是會被塞按摩中心名片﹐這邊按摩跟色情要劃上等號﹐ 全套300元。 夜總會KTV 1.人民北路的名都,中國會 2.流花路的中國城, 曼哈頓 3.東風西路的FACE CLUB,金豪俱樂部 4.東風中路的凱薩,夢都 5.東風東路的大上海 6.廣源路的百家樂,金公子 7.同心路的迷城,登月,妹記樓上 8.沿江路的夜櫻花 9.盤福路也有數家 10.天河區也有數家不錯 11.機場路的銀都 基本上都有最低消費﹐小房約三四百起﹐各家價格有差別﹐小姐檯費一般為兩三百﹐看地方檔級而定 。 |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
I did that many times....and still good recalling the many fond memories of those "wonderful" moments.... I suggest you go "Guilin" with her. She will be so happy and impressed that she will be fully "wet". For you, you got to enjoy one of the best attractions in the world with a nice company. |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
Re: help needed: guangzhou
thanks, bros
i heard from a friend that there is a beach resort near shenzhen. my china gf want to kan4 hai3. can any bro here provide more info? thks again |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
Should be Da mei sha or Xiao mei sha.
Re: help needed: guangzhou
Yap yap,
Got 2 beaches lah, one is dai mei sha, the other is xiao mei sha. Somehow the girls like to go beaches as most of them are from inland lah, so unlike us singaporeans. Btw alot of them also cannot swim so might be a good chance to teach them how to swim. LOL Am sure u will kolek her good during swimming lessons.
Me:Can you be my gf? Girl:We are friends, ok? Me: How about fuck buddies? Girl: No. Never. You not handsome. Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! ) |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
thks, bros
any recommendation for accomodation? like which resort? is da mei sha or xiao mei sha far from lohu? |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
You can stay at the numerous resorts there lah, price-wise should be much lesser than RMB500 a night. It is not very far from LOWU, 30mins max by cab. Enjoy your fuck
Me:Can you be my gf? Girl:We are friends, ok? Me: How about fuck buddies? Girl: No. Never. You not handsome. Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! ) |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
Some infor. I get from another website :- 歡樂谷,類似台灣的劍湖山主題樂園,是深圳最新的旅遊景點,帶女友去歡樂谷體驗大陸遊樂科技,跟台灣主題樂 園不可同日而語,門票大約100草紙。 東門 最便宜的東西在這裡,應有盡有,類似西門町,是深圳最熱鬧的購物中心。 石岩湖溫泉渡假村,裡面有十種以上各式各樣的露天溫泉,門票一人90元左右,裡面附帶有按摩桑拿洗腳的服務 。 大梅沙海水浴場 明思克號航母世界 離橫崗40分鐘車程,也是搭380一班車可到,蘇聯二代航空母艦,台灣看不到的,推薦,不過門票粉貴,一人 要100左右,晚上六七點之後就關門了,要去得早起,航母真的粉大逛不完的,網站連結裡面沒提 到 世界之窗 號稱深圳十大景點第一名,其實類似我們台灣這邊六福村,只是規模比六福村大得多,門票粉貴,得一百元草紙左 右. --------------------------- Hi Gigantic_tk : nice to know you........I am avid follower of crazy website too......go try www.tongtx.com..........they have good articles and "pictures" too...... cheers, KING |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
Thanks. This tongtx.com site I have visited before and indeed is a good site. Lately I have came across another 2 sites - World TV Stations where you can watch some of the clip TV news on site and a few Music on-line site. Maybe let me paste it for your quick reference. http://myweb.hinet.net/home10/musicbetty/tv/tv.htm 也收看的到 大陸 電視台 http://www.musicsky.net/music/index.asp 速度不是粉快 但歌 都很全 |
Re: help needed: guangzhou
ManyThanks...very good websites indeed..... |
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