Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
i will be in taipei 11-15 August...... the last trip there was like 10 years ago during my ICT. ...
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
anyone has any update on new place to chiong, FL or even OKT to recommend. cos mi now in taichong...
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
anyone try the "best massage in town" offered on the newspaper ads by Yuki, Aiko, etc? There was an FR early in the thread but a more updated one would be appreciated.
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
i'm in taipei now. going taichung tomorrow. taichung very sian one
I'm Sour |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
i tried yuki (okt) service b4. She will arrange for someone suitable to your requirements. U can always reject if not to your liking, but also paiseh to reject too many times thou. The one i tired b4 not bad...but its all a moment of truth. |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
where is this place, do u have any contact no.? wats the damage? |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
KTVs everywhere also got but expensive. FLs r alot cheaper but hard to find in taichung leh. u got contact?
I'm Sour |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
Hi bro,
I will be in kaohsiung in abt 2 weeks time for holiday, will be staying in howard plaza in Chi-Hsien 1st Road. Any good recommendation around that area? |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
seem that there's not much mention of the scene in taiwan here... a short fr for bro who wanna cheong in taipei, great news for bikini lovers! july28th is the date ! there will be a big event where all meimei wear bikini to party at the worldtrade centre 2,similar to our zoukout but i must say the meimeis here is far hotter den wat we haf in sillipore...a must go event! i oredy buy ticket liao loh...lol. i dunno how many places sell the tickets,i juz brought mine at a disco in jinhua chen name 'plush'...else can check wif the ppl here how to get it
'plush'- disco,(located at jinhua chen)mostly a more mature club wif ladies around 23s to 30 of age,but saturday is the day to cheong this place as its the theme bikini night,where waitress n some customers wear bikini to cheong...very sporting. Room 18-disco,(located at huangna weisiew,beside taipei101) my fave place...rnb music...full of meimeis...super chio type...juz go there u neva regret wed,fri sat..the best luxy-disco,(located at zhong xiao dong ru) got trance got rnb music, a place not to be miss..crowd full on wed ,fri,haven check out on sat....meimeis full range..oso got lian type but very chio !! Mint-disco,(located at taipei 10) high class place...can see celeb...but dun think here...place not bad. xin dian- niteclub at songjiang ru...,went there last nite, meimei all wear sexy uniform...sitting every gal will come in for 15min den change..they have a rotate system here...which mean every one get the chance of sitting wif every gal! after a few round,they off the lights ,start dancing den slowly strip...wow!! super great body...u can neva miss out dis place....ask for damage to bring gal out to bonk is twd7000,plus 2hours of outside booking hours,total will be twd10000 for a short time....super expensive leh!! but the quality cannot hiam,grade a class!! too bad the one i target dun do on so go home and pcc myself...hahahaha will continue to explore..n try to feed back here..cheers! Next stop-----kaohsiong |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
Tks for the infos bro..might make a trip down to Taipei this Thur/Fri...Plan to go Xin Dian again...
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
Tks for the infos bro..might make a trip down to Taipei this Thur/Fri...Plan to go Xin Dian again...[/QUOTE]
make sure u negotiate the price wif the mummy 1st b4 u settle down for room n cheonging for the nite,or else kana chop carrot! neg a comfortable price,best is lum sum for total spending wif liquer,gal sitting n rest...then agree den spend...lidat u wun offend any1 or advoid unnecessary arguement on prices. |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
These r 2 separate okt. damage is abt 3000nt. u can nego b4 confirming. They will send the girls to your place, be it hotel or hse. |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
內容:與台北市之KTV內容相同,但較廉★ 小姐坐台:1200,也有特別秀 1,000 但較好玩的是用骰子賭脫衣,最後小姐全光光★ 平均每人消費約3,000--4,000 時間:pm8:30---am4:00星期五六人多最好不要去 人員:小姐平均約20多歲 台北市新生北路3段84巷6號6樓,4K,02-25040777 ,一小時,妹妹長得不 錯,因為沒對外刊登廣告,都是熟客介紹才知道,去時請說是李承忠介紹那是我同事。 永和市指油壓,以高中職女學生為號召,如:開*商職,南*工商,平均年齡18 才,50分鐘5K,指油壓功夫十分普通,但勝在青春無敵。另有普及版,25才左右 3.5K。聯絡方式:26647500找陳小姐,說是以前紅龜(台語發音)的客人即可。推薦奇奇、小如.. ...身材好配合度高。 台北市天母克強路,TEL 0932059997 萱萱 全 3K 個人工作室 台北市南京東路100號10F(在一家服飾店樓上),按摩NT$2,500,半套NT$3,5 00,Amy 及小貞都不錯,有機會可私下約出來。 小姐約20-23左右,配合度超高,舔屁眼、69式、讓你射在嘴裏,地點於中壢 環中東路近內壢,NT$2000~$4000 ,TEL: 0936071498 台北市萬華區23083040阿英或23060913、23368674美祺,這二位是萬華流 鶯中最棒 的,而且價格便宜,只要說出對方的名字,並說「妳現在有空嗎?我正在樓下。」 地點在康定路及桂林路的鑽石大樓內,阿英在九樓,美祺在十樓,其中以美祺的吹 功最利害,不信試試。 ※台北市,小萍,電話:0932314782,3000/Hr,就說是李先生介紹即可切入 主題, 千萬不可說是網路上看到的資料 ,個人,到府 # 小純 0927457481 22歲 可口交 # 小玲 0930005178 21歲 # 雪兒 0928357623 # 小妹 0927457482 # 曉芹 0936503225 台中市雞頭,電話0923055896找麥克,他會和你約時間地點,可能會在中港路上的中 港大飯店,小姐為NT$3,000至6000(含房間費)不等,當然越貴素質越好,上回我找3300的,外 型就很不錯,大陸湖南小姐、19歲、長髮、瘦瘦的、很漂亮。 月光旅社,台北市內江街55巷9號(國賓戲院旁的巷子裡),TEL: 2381-5059, 去到這兒告訴她們你要找什麼樣的小姐即可,便宜又大碗。 三重市王小姐,0936-847276,一炮NT$2,500,旅館休息費約NT$400。 北京市東方旅館(Oriental Hotel,位於菜市口南方)卡拉OK小姐 Aidee ,過夜900,1371233921。 台北市忠孝東路四段 (延吉街口全家便利商店等) 附近,有一個流動性質的 營業站,小姐多半在19到28左右,外貿身材都還不錯。本人特地推薦一位「小梅」小 姐,有一雙長腿,長髮披肩、氣質不錯,身高大約是168cm左右,長得很像明星徐貴 櫻。但是小梅小姐可是會挑客人的,但只要她同意做你生意,她的技巧將讓你終身難 忘。價格約在4000左右。 電話:0933-153-823找一位阿忠 北京最自由的嫖之天堂,非長城飯店的天上人間不可了。天上人間第一美 人,號稱北京名妓乃梁海玲是也,大波,細腰,臉蛋媚態橫流,是那種誰看了都想上的妞,我與她苟 合了6-7次了,每一次都爽得不想要第二次了,可見了她總是抑制不住老二,這騷貨,性技巧極為嫻熟,叫床天下第一, 口活特棒,小妹妹肥大緊湊,還能在床上跳舞。棒歸棒,可是代價太昂貴了,少於5000元人民幣,任你是誰也 上不去。你去去天上人間,叫服務小姐給你找找她就行了,這貨只出檯不坐檯,只去星級賓館,我每次都是在崑崙 飯店上了這騷貨的,她的電話是1391058966。 珠海的步步高旅社,雞頭黃啊來BBcall 8889988轉88752,行動電話1392868045,他們叫的土雞(剛出道的美眉)價格為人民幣2 00元,旅社內至少有30-40位美眉任君挑選,喜歡的就可以叫來坐抬,抬費為200,可陪酒、伴舞,若談得情投意合,即可以進入房間 ,加抬費200共500人民幣,過夜全部費用則為1000人民幣。有位PUB小姐名王莉 336111轉2566〈波霸型〉。 賓之王:中壢中美路二段129號,TEL: 03-4273988,33號曼華小姐,熟各種招式,爐 火純青,做過一次永生難忘。身材臉蛋都不錯,保證絕不讓人失望。 林薇小姐個人工作室,TEL: 0935577128,營業時間:中午12點至晚上10點,位於桃園南崁地區 , 大同保齡球館附近。另有陳小姐(長髮、高瘦)、劉小姐(豐滿)。半套:60分鐘,NT$2,000,全套: NT$4,000,海關小陳介紹。 台北市松江路林小姐,TEL: 090927553,全套 NT$3,000,小劉介紹! 新竹市松儷賓館,TEL: (03)5223135,新竹市東前街43號7F,位在新竹市城徨廟鬧區 旁,一樓有停車場,房間很乾淨,只要單身進去說明休息,服務生就會馬上到房間跟你恰公,做4000與500 0元的,建議選5000的品質較好。 台中市雞頭:小涵姐 0936584751, 0938662723,請說是Jake介紹,全套NT$4,000,15:00 ~ 00:00 嘉義市「個人工作室」:位於蘭潭附近的小雅路上 TEL: (05) 234-3151,13:00~22:00 |
Re: Taiwan: The island of beuties
Maybe someone can translate loupap message, not all of us can read mandarin.
I've tried 2 spa near Westin hotel, along nanjing road sector 2. 1. First one is Thai Traditional massage. 1 hr 45 minutes for NTD1800. Very good massge from top to toe, crack all your bones. But girl is old and not pretty. No special in this place but if got special also dun want as the girls are not pretty. But I enjoy the massage very much so already try this place twice. 2. Second place is opposite the road from the Thai massage. 2 hrs for NTD 2500. Here the girls are young and pretty. I had a girl number 020 who is very shiu massage me. I ask for special but she say this place do not offer special. Massage is not as good as Thai place but see the pretty girl massage me, I quite steam up. Taipei seem to have alot of spa but most is clean one. |
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