Maybe time to give up on Kico. You have already done your best. Kico's room is also very small. However, if you insists, worth going through the list (mine) below:-
1) Clean hygiene: Shave, comb hair, dress up nicely (wear dark colour vertical strips shirt/pant to look slimmer), go on hungry stomach (1 kg less), bath, put on perfume, ask for listerine gargle etc. Aim is to look smart and project clean image.
2) Communicate: Chitchat to her like a friend - make her feel comfortable, praise her (be sincere) viz: Taken lunch ? U beautiful/sexy/look young/nice/nice dress/nice boobs/nice body etc. Ask her can kiss ? Some, eg Michelle (H22R20) might say "No" with a smile jokingly - can try with light kissing first. Some, eg Jac (H7R2) or Jolene (H11R11) might say "I do not kiss, even in Geylang" - give up. Thank her for session: U good, nice etc.
3) Tip her up front: Pay more than the amount requested. Promise more returns.
You are 100Kg with BMI of 35 this is very unhealthy - try more to slim down for health reasons. Will also help U to be more acceptable to WLs.
Suggests you try Geylang L20H36: G3, G19, G82 or G88. if you have not. They are very nice and friendly. $50 every 30 mins. Take two sessions (@ $100) if you want to enjoy the facilities - very relaxing.
U should also try Violet (ex H14R6) in Ocean Hotel, JB (@M$65) to build up your confidence level. Pay her more to get good service. By the way, she is at 3rd Floor, if you walk up (2nd floor nothing), turn right, right. By lift (Ground, 1st, 2nd etc) press "2", get out turn left.
All the best. Info for U and others who might be interested.
Maybe time to give up on Kico. You have already done your best. Kico's room is also very small. However, if you insists, worth going through the list (mine) below:-
1) Clean hygiene: Shave, comb hair, dress up nicely (wear dark colour vertical strips shirt/pant to look slimmer), go on hungry stomach (1 kg less), bath, put on perfume, ask for listerine gargle etc. Aim is to look smart and project clean image.
2) Communicate: Chitchat to her like a friend - make her feel comfortable, praise her (be sincere) viz: Taken lunch ? U beautiful/sexy/look young/nice/nice dress/nice boobs/nice body etc. Ask her can kiss ? Some, eg Michelle (H22R20) might say "No" with a smile jokingly - can try with light kissing first. Some, eg Jac (H7R2) or Jolene (H11R11) might say "I do not kiss, even in Geylang" - give up. Thank her for session: U good, nice etc.
3) Tip her up front: Pay more than the amount requested. Promise more returns.
You are 100Kg with BMI of 35 this is very unhealthy - try more to slim down for health reasons. Will also help U to be more acceptable to WLs.
Suggests you try Geylang L20H36: G3, G19, G82 or G88. if you have not. They are very nice and friendly. $50 every 30 mins. Take two sessions (@ $100) if you want to enjoy the facilities - very relaxing.
U should also try Violet (ex H14R6) in Ocean Hotel, JB (@M$65) to build up your confidence level. Pay her more to get good service. By the way, she is at 3rd Floor, if you walk up (2nd floor nothing), turn right, right. By lift (Ground, 1st, 2nd etc) press "2", get out turn left.
All the best. Info for U and others who might be interested.
Bro Kalv this is great stuff! Thanks for the tips and well done. Salute!!!
Many girls rejected my attempt to kiss. However i kissed successfully this lady, Ivy H16 R14. She is friendly,chatable and beautiful.
Just bath yourself up, dress nicely and comb up your hair neat. Smile, chat with her first. Slowly and gently your mouth get close to her mouth. Hope u will succeed.
Many girls rejected my attempt to kiss. However i kissed successfully this lady, Ivy H16 R14. She is friendly,chatable and beautiful.
Just bath yourself up, dress nicely and comb up your hair neat. Smile, chat with her first. Slowly and gently your mouth get close to her mouth. Hope u will succeed.
went to ivy long time b4, my mouth cant even get close to her face. she push me off. fking bad attitude. she also look at face one. i think i ugly so she dun like, keep rushing me. that time i saw handsome bro spent more than 25 min inside. i stupid to wait 4 her. i was out within 10 plus min! I BAN her!!! its just my personal view so hope bros wun r her fans dun be angry.i wonder if she treat any bros like tat besides me. sorri if i sound too emo again but i had enough of such treatment. it seem like some wls in PT are seem to treat handsome or customers they like better. only a few are professional. I dun face similar prob when i cheong GL. any bro with same view?
went to ivy long time b4, my mouth cant even get close to her face. she push me off. fking bad attitude. she also look at face one. i think i ugly so she dun like, keep rushing me. that time i saw handsome bro spent more than 25 min inside. i stupid to wait 4 her. i was out within 10 plus min! I BAN her!!! its just my personal view so hope bros wun r her fans dun be angry.i wonder if she treat any bros like tat besides me. sorri if i sound too emo again but i had enough of such treatment. it seem like some wls in PT are seem to treat handsome or customers they like better. only a few are professional. I dun face similar prob when i cheong GL. any bro with same view?
Aiya what the big fuss bro, maybe she just have a cum in mouth with seafood smell and she don't want spoilt your mood by frenching you....
went to ivy long time b4, my mouth cant even get close to her face. she push me off...... sorri if i sound too emo again... seem like some wls in PT are seem to treat handsome or customers they like better. only a few are professional. I dun face similar prob when i cheong GL. any bro with same view?
Humorous contribution. Will up U tomorrow (+4 only) - poor consolation for your disappointments. It is good you have been very positive, so far .
We select WL; they will also select us. However, do moderate your expectations - be selective. Bigger - may result in greater disappointments.
Feel free to join in the discussion with L20H36G5 at the Geylang thread. Cheers.
nowadays dun cheong GL much. i referring to old days when most wls are obliging in frenching and rather polite. maybe tat time i not so fat and ugly bah. lol. also maybe because the competition there tougher compared to PT and they dun get to choose customers at all! i think WLs in PT (esp pretty ones) rather have handsome bros/regulars rtf than be nice to any random ugly guy since they earn the same $50 per shot and their business is almost full every day. for past few weeks i did an observation and find that handsome bro tend to stay inside room longer than ugly bros. on one day, i saw one fat guy come out from one WL's room within 15 min while another handsome bro can spend 30min inside the same room! i was after them and guess wat? 15 min and she ask me how come haven cum. i then say how come the previous customer can stay so long. she got the cheek to deny say all customer 20 min. i dun want to say who (quite popular). obviously the Wl want handsome bro or regulars to rtf and purposely not nice to customers she dun like so they wun rtf since she has enuf customers liao. it seem quite common in PT now. of course may not apply to all, some still nice to everyone. when demand is high and supply is low, WLs choose. i observe that more young or handsome men are visiting PT so WLs start to be choosy. i ever overheard one WL commenting to fellow WL openly on one really handsome bro (after he left) and said too bad he cant last long although he is so handsome! this world is getting crazy, even WL crave for handsome men. bro u r rite, i should not have expectations since i have no good looks or hell lot of money.
maybe i got low self esteam or wat, it seems like gfe from PT WL is very rare for ugly bro like me maybe $50 is not enuf for them to even pretend to like me..
actually i already 'see open' and must accept reality. at least i know u and other nice bros there deserve nice treatment from WLs
We seeing postings of some brothers received sweeter, others normal this cannot, that also cannot services. No one had the answers. Still i think every sessions we learned, and correct mistakes so to write it down.
PT wise, i think the un offical max of $50, it is acceptable. However, i have come across few times, a man passing by with unhealthy skin conditions. I am not sure did he take or, any WLs take his business. Every members had the experience, of seeing WLs closing eyes during missionary, they are trained to do so.
Other then the $50, i would figure is clickability, so long both at ease. I have the unpleasant sessions with LW and Tingx2. Got feeling they wanted to end ASAP, so what if they allows frenching? There are no feelings of course, our time together they don't want to give me.
Again i code LW, "Don't have frenchings what, next time also don't have. You want look for others."
There are no words on experience, you will know when is time. Liked i said there can only be 1 Ris Low, Catherine Tan is a copycat. Relax and pls do not insist if the girls don't want.
..... However, i have come across few times, a man passing by with unhealthy skin conditions. I am not sure did he take or, any WLs take his business. Every members had the experience, of seeing WLs closing eyes during missionary, they are trained to do so .....
Yes mine Bro, I saw him too everytime I visit PT. He got this lumps all over him. Pity that guy. To tell you the truth, if I were a WL, sorry to say but I will not accept his business.
Originally Posted by jacky43
.....There are no words on experience, you will know when is time. Liked i said there can only be 1 Ris Low, Catherine Tan is a copycat. Relax and pls do not insist if the girls don't want .....
Well said mine Bro! For me is simple, if she don't want, then don't want, no point to insist.
nowadays dun cheong GL much. i referring to old days when most wls are obliging in frenching and rather polite. maybe tat time i not so fat and ugly bah. lol. also maybe because the competition there tougher compared to PT and they dun get to choose customers at all! i think WLs in PT (esp pretty ones) rather have handsome bros/regulars rtf than be nice to any random ugly guy since they earn the same $50 per shot and their business is almost full every day. for past few weeks i did an observation and find that handsome bro tend to stay inside room longer than ugly bros. on one day, i saw one fat guy come out from one WL's room within 15 min while another handsome bro can spend 30min inside the same room! i was after them and guess wat? 15 min and she ask me how come haven cum. i then say how come the previous customer can stay so long. she got the cheek to deny say all customer 20 min. i dun want to say who (quite popular). obviously the Wl want handsome bro or regulars to rtf and purposely not nice to customers she dun like so they wun rtf since she has enuf customers liao. it seem quite common in PT now. of course may not apply to all, some still nice to everyone. when demand is high and supply is low, WLs choose. i observe that more young or handsome men are visiting PT so WLs start to be choosy. i ever overheard one WL commenting to fellow WL openly on one really handsome bro (after he left) and said too bad he cant last long although he is so handsome! this world is getting crazy, even WL crave for handsome men. bro u r rite, i should not have expectations since i have no good looks or hell lot of money.
maybe i got low self esteam or wat, it seems like gfe from PT WL is very rare for ugly bro like me maybe $50 is not enuf for them to even pretend to like me..
actually i already 'see open' and must accept reality. at least i know u and other nice bros there deserve nice treatment from WLs
Ups you lah!
It ain't much but if it's any consolation, why not?
So u notice brother Fornicator, the man with lumps over his body, i hope we are not spreading rumours here. We have enough rumours on Radiation leaks, no point to create another 1. Haha!
This is another worry on commercial sex, whenever we come across such ppl, my advice to everybody. Go home and return another day, if it scare the shits out of you.
However the same theory applys, scare of Radiation put on cap. And, commercial sex same cap on everytime.
went to ivy long time b4, my mouth cant even get close to her face. she push me off. fking bad attitude. she also look at face one. i think i ugly so she dun like, keep rushing me. that time i saw handsome bro spent more than 25 min inside. i stupid to wait 4 her. i was out within 10 plus min! I BAN her!!! its just my personal view so hope bros wun r her fans dun be angry.i wonder if she treat any bros like tat besides me. sorri if i sound too emo again but i had enough of such treatment. it seem like some wls in PT are seem to treat handsome or customers they like better. only a few are professional. I dun face similar prob when i cheong GL. any bro with same view?
You are not wrong!
People spend to get what what People want!
But if Peoples $50/- is spent for no value add, might well donate it to disaster's victim.
Spend but to spend it correctly
So u notice brother Fornicator, the man with lumps over his body, i hope we are not spreading rumours here. We have enough rumours on Radiation leaks, no point to create another 1. Haha!
This is another worry on commercial sex, whenever we come across such ppl, my advice to everybody. Go home and return another day, if it scare the shits out of you.
However the same theory applys, scare of Radiation put on cap. And, commercial sex same cap on everytime.
Rumours? No mine Bro, I did saw him on several occasions. he go in and out of houses but never go inside WL rooms. Not sure if he just go look-look, see-see or WL never take his business.