Some people very funny, don’t trust photo everything can filter, it may look nice and delicious in photo but really very black. This photo she told me taken last month must given to other guys lah
Now just send to me.
PM me if I forget to return favour. Min 6 point
Juz a qn for samsters, is it really u guys searching for maids to be gf/wife in dating apps? If don't fuck, may I know u guys meeting maids is juz to treat them food n have a happy chatting session only? Pls don't bs me u guys meeting maids is want to know them better. So it's true, meeting maids is for fucking only. Besides maids going hotel open their leg for u, don't think there's anything they can offer for meeting u. Maybe I am wrong, but that's how I meet maids in dating apps.
My Ex-colleague currently sitting in the board for the Foreign Domestic Helper Center seek my team to help him to resolve some of the cases on straining relationship of employer & the foreign domestic helper.
My team members will arrange to meet up with the domestic helpers to find out more information regarding their relationship with the employer (during office hours).
BUT I cannot be sure if they will meet outside of the office hours for more .... "information gathering". 😁
For me, I will share any pics or vids which they send me of their new discoveries.
Like This New Discovery they shared... A Pinay helper who worked in Singapore before, now working in Dubai. 💖
A case which they help to resolved, now the nice lady sent the pic as a gesture of Hari Raya greeting to them.