Been awhile since I last login. Seems like very happening now
cos u too bzi to login lah
__________________ Please leave your nick when u upped my points and I will return favour asap. Thanks.
Exchange of points are welcome too but with minimum of 12 pointers please.
Going alone to a clubbing setup and wish to land a gem is rather unlikely.
If the lady who asked you to buy drinks was alone, she's most likely expecting you to pay for everything, hotel and sex included.
Whereas those who went with their gf would most likely trying to get free booze. Unless the subject was super horny to ditch her gf and go to hotel with you, otherwise, after the drinks, they would have left.
Unless they are looking for paid sex, else, most likely just cock teaser.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Sad that the chionging scene has changed over the years. Now get maids also maciam need go clubs etc. Gone are the days when it's just a pass numbers on a piece of paper and play the game.
They have upped the game by demanding high payments and must go clubs then can hook etc
And sadly, it's our fellow people who encouraged such things
Recently notice many uploaded youtube from China abt dance club
Pay 10 RMB for 1 song then body hugging n touching so call dancing
But mostly men in late 40s onward
standard bro , want free fuck pay for the hotel , but well that's the interesting part to hook dont you agree ?
Originally Posted by junior_cannibal
Going alone to a clubbing setup and wish to land a gem is rather unlikely.
If the lady who asked you to buy drinks was alone, she's most likely expecting you to pay for everything, hotel and sex included.
Whereas those who went with their gf would most likely trying to get free booze. Unless the subject was super horny to ditch her gf and go to hotel with you, otherwise, after the drinks, they would have left.
Unless they are looking for paid sex, else, most likely just cock teaser.
Sad that the chionging scene has changed over the years. Now get maids also maciam need go clubs etc. Gone are the days when it's just a pass numbers on a piece of paper and play the game.
They have upped the game by demanding high payments and must go clubs then can hook etc
And sadly, it's our fellow people who encouraged such things
Yes. The reason why this sort of things happen because some white knights encourage it.
Yes. The reason why this sort of things happen because some white knights encourage it.
These ain't white knights, just plain carrot heads, wanting to be chopped and squeezed out their vitamin M.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Recently notice many uploaded youtube from China abt dance club
Pay 10 RMB for 1 song then body hugging n touching so call dancing
But mostly men in late 40s onward
No. It should be 20 RMB now actually. The days of 10 RMB per song are long over. It's known as 歌舞厅, same like Orchard Towers, pay entrance fee go in. Inside will have all sorts of vege, from young girls (buay kua) to grannies
Hi bros, went to Top 5 just now. Today quite an eventful experience cuz first time going to OT and disco alone + hunt maid. So have few questions for the more experience bros.
Long post below….this is honest experience, questions and wanting to learn the art of picking up maids. So pls don’t downvote ah.
Went there quite late, around 4pm. When arrived, it was packed and all the tables were taken. But luckily there’s an empty seat at the bar place, so I immediately occupied that seat.
One feeling I noticed is the maids are like sharks. When I arrived, took the seat then faced the dance floor. I noticed few girls will purposely come stand in front or next to me then turn back and eye me (maybe it’s me but I definitely saw their eye). (Note that this only happened when I just arrived, after that then didn’t encounter this anymore.) Nothing happened though, maybe I’m not that appetising haha.
But didn’t take long (would say 5mins ish) to have my first girl. The Filipino girl straight up come to my face, asked if she can join me. She was very touchy so immediately my mind is like, ‘prostitute/wants money’. Cuz she keeps looking at her phone dating app. She asked if I’m alone and was quite shocked when I nodded. Then asked me to buy her and her sister drink. That’s when I said no lah cuz she’s not really my type + mostly my thoughts of her as just wanting to get drinks then later if I suggest to go hotel maybe say have to pay etc. So it’s more like I don’t know her motive yet. (One thing to note is that reason why I’m not willing to pay a prostitute in this setting is because I’m here to pickup. If I need to pay hourly rate to F her, I rather decline and go Dome 1.)
This is where my question for the bros here. Usually, do you buy them drinks? If so, that doesn’t mean she’ll stay with you right? Just now I saw some of the girls straight up grind and dance with few guys lol. So like one guy will grind, dance, touch her etc then leave. Then other guy will come. Happens to quite a few girls. So like, most important is buy her drinks, grab her dance and have fun then go hotel? Usually at the disco, are there frequent prostitutes trying to take guys home (guy have to pay per hour) or normal girls (so if she likes your vibe, can be FB?). Got tactics to differentiate ah? Example, If she approached, just ask how much? Then if she give price means need to avoid?
But the hunt ended without any sexy things cuz they have to leave by 6pm. Managed to get her number and kiss though.
Sorry ah, new to this scene. Never been in this kind of social setting before. Not planning to download badoo or other apps though cuz saw one of the trusted bros commented he do it to the point where he don’t feel nervous etc. So think this is a good start to build my courage to approach girls lol.
Oh ya after the sisters and I parted, I felt kinda great that I went to lucky plaza area (read the comments that that area good to catch maids). Striked a convo with a maid then ended got her number.
Any more experience bros wanna take me under his wings and hunt together? My age mid 20s lah haha, I don’t mind hanging with different age group though. Used to always go FL, pay to get deeds done but honestly eventhough I didn’t get the hanky panky today, I felt great. Next time hopefully can close lah, then go hotel. I plan to expose myself to this lah, whether hunt alone or with other bros cuz I feel it’s kinda like self improvement.
Recently notice many uploaded youtube from China abt dance club
Pay 10 RMB for 1 song then body hugging n touching so call dancing
But mostly men in late 40s onward
this one long time wu liao leh in china
but that time still young so milf not my type
__________________ Please leave your nick when u upped my points and I will return favour asap. Thanks.
Exchange of points are welcome too but with minimum of 12 pointers please.
No. It should be 20 RMB now actually. The days of 10 RMB per song are long over. It's known as 歌舞厅, same like Orchard Towers, pay entrance fee go in. Inside will have all sorts of vege, from young girls (buay kua) to grannies
But OT not tat happening
Good for those who like hug hug n 磨豆腐 Some look good in mid n late 30s
SG can't even has this happening
Last edited by loneyheart; 18-10-2022 at 05:37 PM.
No. It should be 20 RMB now actually. The days of 10 RMB per song are long over. It's known as 歌舞厅, same like Orchard Towers, pay entrance fee go in. Inside will have all sorts of vege, from young girls (buay kua) to grannies
Didnt know got such joints in PRC. Should have visited one when I was there to experience it
The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets.
150 is not worth. If u can, ask her to send u pics with her smiling and u will know why i say it not worth 😛😛
I just asking oni, and I will not spend 150 on DH. Come On. Their bangla Bf bang them for free. Then we ( sg pple) have to pay DH for that. She think our sg men "Sperm overflow Brain".lolx.
Keeps swimming, You never know when You cant swim.
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