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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
more intersting bonking her ...
Thanks bro
Stabil0 is flat-chested like airport Stabil0 is petite Stabil0 is short Stabil0 is skinny Stabil0 is hated by all bcos she plays politics in office Stabil0 tried to seduce Boss's son but not successful |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Stabil0 is flat-chested like airport Stabil0 is petite Stabil0 is short Stabil0 is skinny Stabil0 is hated by all bcos she plays politics in office Stabil0 tried to seduce Boss's son but not successful |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
[QUOTE=meteora;6523397]u r lucky. qx was really mechanical with me
same experience too... Her actions are very routine with almost emotionless expression. Sometimes even pretending not hear when i talk to her and simply "huh huh orh orh". infact another buddy of mine also commented the same feedback that QX is leveraging on her bosom to short change customer. One of those been there done it and will never RTF |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
I would like to recommend bros here to try Xiao Feng, aka XF 1654a.
She deserves to get more popular and talk about in this big boobs thread! My English suck so bad, make a FR on Xf is impossible for u bro to understand! I decided to write in my Cantonese Chinese! Hope bros can understand, if not I am sorry please ignore my post! Just come give XF a try! Her boobs is 34C+, real and firm! Title: 那一年,我每月都上過兩次的女孩! 師兄們好嗎? Anyway 我很好! 最近我再找上小鳳, 這五個月內,已經第十一次了! 性愛中毒屌上癮!真的很'愛'她的服務! 是時候再寫一篇文章去'插播'她,表揚小鳳的好! 小鳳,兔女,原籍廣東,樣子可愛,特徵真大波,有34C+吧! 身材不高,大頭五五身,皮膚不過不失,沒有公仔紙。 性格開朗,健談,傻,喜歡笑,好奇,接受新事物! 做愛時很豪放,淫蕩;真人很純真,神婆一名,憂慮心很重! 床上床下兩極化,天使和魔鬼的混合體! 注意小鳳妹毛毛是可愛的心型! 大波有肉粉提,小鳳妹也如小女孩一般迷人哦~~ 一般sauna的程序很死板,沖涼,水簫,浄身,瞓床, 反轉,漫遊,毒龍,正面,啜Lin, 吹簫,69(optional), 上套,坐蓮,正常,狗仔,正常,套出,抱抱,沖身, 裝身,拍照(不一定得), 吻吻,goodbye,hea下,埋單! 以上SOP我已經做了十幾年,有幾百次! 做,我還是有做,但偶然想求變,來一d新的點子!刺激嚇! 小鳳的SOP做得很不錯的,應有的,都有! 但她是小數願意和我去找新刺激,不受程序框框限制! 聽了鳳兒的提議,回校前我先在家沖好涼,裝好身! 入房後,便可以立刻和她刻砌也省時,原汁原味! 事前我有切底洗手和漱口,做好必要的衞生。 除下她的C+Bra放入我的右褲袋,抓下她的茶包放入我的左褲袋! 她只穿一粉紅連身花邊裙子,向下拉露兩球,向上扯現鮑春光! 我也脫脫脫~~脫剩襪子和孖煙通! 而小潛魚雷,已經從孖煙通中自行沖口而出, 45度向天致敬! 曉風不客氣,一嘢就含到盡,不見天日⋯ 衰女,咁急性,第一嘢就深喉,車都未車番轉先! 一d table manner 都唔識! 如食西餐要先乾杯cheer! ,才飲湯,食麵包! 伊人真失禮,哈哈! 我對美的評分很嚴格,小鳳樣子頂多7分,已經算中上! 但每當她含撚中釋放出那迷人的眼神! 比溶化了的酒心朱古力還要醉人, 比變壞了的臭豆腐還要有味道,加分爆燈11分!!! 我嘗試回想去capture鳳兒含蕉蜜蜜的Moments! 如果我有影相的話,這照片會完全流露出'性'和'愛', 兩大要素共存! 膚淺的人可能看到,comment 一句,'囡囡好淫吖!' 有深度的人comment '囡囡幾冧你喎,爽啦,好砌啦~~' 我的Comment ' 囡囡和Eason 一樣! Eason 真係好喜歡唱歌;小鳳真係好喜歡吹簫!' 嗱嗱臨填表,攞幾張吹奏相去參加港姐乜姐,一定必入圍! 我出相出棒出鏡支持,再做埋推薦人也ok喎! 肉棒是有味蕾的,我弟告訴我小鳳淫口的口水像蜜糖! 甜到他幾次幾乎要交出椰漿和蜜糖融和! 含蕉五分鐘長嗎?!唔夠喉?播首十二分十分寸好嗎? 通通都不夠小鳳吹得長! 鳳兒的吹奏是無定時的!叫佢停,唔停! 強行拔離,佢又很不捨,睇住你,希望再含! 如小女孩最愛的芭比娃娃,俾家長收起! 唔好再玩,做功課要緊;唔好再含!做愛入洞要緊!到 但我驚唔俾小鳳含,她會流淚⋯ 我對鳳兒吹奏項目行駛放養政策,如走地雞般自由! 如buffet all u can eat! 她吃飽咗,就自然放口上主菜! 老天爺保佑,和小鳳十一次交流,都可以活著! 過到前戲吹奏這一段,吃到主菜! 上套前,鳳兒和我'素股'(我上一次教她的!) 挑戰我道德的底線!一道真想把小潛壓下打真軍! 但聽到小鳳好姣嘅一句,'你唔好亂離吖~'就打消了這念頭! 佢話信得過我,先和我玩素股, 但我心唸妳未免太高估了我,每人心裡都住有一位⋯淫魔! 再素下去,我頂唔住啦,好撚想插!cut!!! 快上套! 頂~~點解上套前,都要再一次深喉?!O嘴⋯無奈⋯ 年輕時,做愛很愛計較!死忍,數綿羊,轉體位去分心! 只想插多幾嘢,插得耐d,掋d! 現在心態是想出就出,出嘢是福! 沒有向自己給壓力,成績(不是每次)反而比控制不出時更好! 也做得更爽,更有感覺! 而和小鳳決戰,每次我都很計較! 很想金鎗不倒,精力用之不盡,插到無限期⋯ 但每一次大家都不太滿足,而都怪是小鳳的'錯'!!! 叫床呻吟對做愛,是非常重要的一環! 不叫床,如看鬼片把電視Mute咗,唔會驚!鬼片都變笑片! 叫得太死板,monotone , 不如唔好叫,太不專業! 叫得太浮誇,失真,"come on baby, fuck me!!!! "好聽! 但無奈大家東方人,做愛叫床帶一些含蓄比較適合! 做到叫到剛剛好,除了少數天生的,多數了後天刻意訓練的! 講番小鳳,呻吟聲算大,短而急!除了'吖'還有'嘩'! 很立體,你淺插,她享受底吟!你加速,她叫多幾聲和音~ 你全力一吉!她也嘩聲高八度回答~~ 而為什麼是小鳳的錯,每次害我提前交功課呢!? 答案是她啲可愛唔咸唔淡嘅廣東淫話! Common 嘅「好豬服,你屌得我好爽~嘩~!」 「你想點吖?你會唔會屌死我嫁!」 Funny嘅「點解你今日細佬,感覺咁熱嘅?!係唔係發燒吖?」 Killer嘅「我要屌死你,屌死你!屌你~~!」 「唔好咁快出,我想你屌我耐d吖!」 「粗暴d,大力d,插深d~」 「痛!!!又痛又爽~~唔好停吖,媽吖!」 放浪呻吟加淫語夾攻,很快我弟就嘔吐白漿,退役⋯ 囡囡講淫話的目的是希望你快點完事為最基本! 俾個'Like'你,吸引你加入做她的粉絲。 淫話幾假,幾誇,我聽過唔少! 而只有真心淫話,才可以帶給我性興奮。 書面文字很難解釋得到,師兄如果能親身去試小鳳! 你一定同意鳳兒是一個不折不扣,喜愛'做愛'的囡囡! 我完全覺得每次找數,小鳳就算唔請,也應該AA制! 她獲得的快樂,我給她的服務,不比她給我的少!!! 我對小鳳一點'愛'的感覺也沒有,只有'喜歡'! 只有'性',再想⋯有波,有西,有車⋯也是離不開性!SEX! 一個月找她兩次是我私下定下的承諾! 原因希望我不要太快玩厭! 要屌索囡,有錢,天下靚女都被壓在你弟下! 但要搵一個大家互相'喜愛'的,真的可遇不可求! 小鳳⋯我要慢慢享受⋯嘻嘻⋯我愛屌鳩漆妳~~~oh yeah! |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Xiao Feng boobs big service good but her skin not smooth lor...
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
I found xf's skin ok, senior bro unfit please give her a break,
lower your standard a bit! Haha I miss xf bbbj so much! |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Yah i also understand cos too much shower made her skin very dry lor...
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Xf skin is sensitive! That why I always try took shower before visit her! And take quick shower after the deed.. Poor girl!
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Bro, I can see you're not only a good promoter of XF but also dote on her immensely ... I understand that in the past you used to do that similarly to Miko who is not very pleased with you nowadays ... Why don't you buy her some high end moisturizer like SK II or La Prairie?
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ... My Personal FR Thread: ( Click to show/hide )
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Bro Serums or Moisturizers might work but Semen is the best huh...
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Bro, you sure your semen discharge is suffice to cover her two mega-size frontal assets (not to mention the rest of her anatomy)?
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ... My Personal FR Thread: ( Click to show/hide )
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
Nobe only good enough for Bukake...wakaka!
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell |
Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs
For Xf, I just write a honest FR on her only! If I am over, I am sorry! Thanks for your advice on lotion! SKII i think too strong la, for old women only! Xf only 24yo, if now use SKII, older use what? Last edited by Submarineking; 03-11-2011 at 04:56 PM. |
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