When I am in Batam, I am literally overflooded by friend requests, as soon as I enable the "search nearby" function, by profiles displaying photos of perfect Asian or Chinese models, in search of a friend, offering services, massage, etc.
They are all obvsiously fake. Behind those profiles there are agents with a pool of poor girls, or, if they are really single ladies, behind a fake photo there are middle-age ladies, or even TVs. This remark will be obvious to many, but evidently not to all.
Said that, it is NOT completely pointless to have a look on Wechat/Michat. It may be worth to spend some time on that. In the past, I have met some genuine ladies, even a horny one with hijab (report posted years ago). So, the recipe is:
1) consider only profiles with photos not obviously fake because displaying Miss Singapore;
2) consider only profiles with a series of Moments, which look genuinely presenting a real person;
3) NEVER invite the person directly to the room after just chatting (someone got a TV in the room, and if you are not super street-smart it will be difficult to expel that out of the door), but:
a) videocall first to see the real person;
b) meet in the lobby or better in a cafe, before even
considering to invite someone to the room.
Now what? During my last travel to Batam my attention was caught by a profile which passed tests 1) ad 2), except that the photos were strongly photoshopped. Well, I thought, in Asia it is normal to adjust photos with those filters that make thin chin and big eyes, so I considered to proceed to step 3).
I started chatting, she offered ST for 600k and LT for 1.3M. I told her "I am going to dinner, so join me there". I was assuming to meet a lady willing to have some company. After some struggle, a lady completely different from the young cutie in the photos showed up at my table. She was fine anyway, around 25yo-30yo, gentle and looking honest. She insisted to go to my hotel as soon as I finish dinner, and she wanted ST with money first, because she had been cheated by many already (her words). That's plausible, however I rebutted that my intention was to go to party first, then I would have called her later. She left saying"ok call me if you want later".
At this point, I went to Grand Dragon Pub. After a drink, scared by the 4M price to get one of those super girls back to my hotel, I went back to my hotel and I thought to text her, because I felt tired to hunt. She responded immediately, even if it was 2am: "room number please". Even if I got to meet her in person just 2 hours before,
I never do that. So I told her I was waiting her in lobby.
ANOTHER GIRL, fattie, sweaty and ugly appeared shortly saying "I am XXX" (the same name of the girl I met before, or the name she told me).
So, there was no real XXX, the moments were all fake, the profile is by an agent managing a pool of poor girls, who must think I am stupid and I could take the girl #2 thinking she was girl #1 I met before. The person on Wechat even insisted, asking what was my problem with that girl. I just sent him to hell.
Good thing I was in the lobby and not in my room. So I simply left the hotel leaving her there, without paying her taxi or what else. She looked very sorry and desperate, to say it all. She is a victim of the system, but I cannot be victim too.
I moved quickly to Newton, and I had a FANTASTIC NIGHT.
I report this, to warn those who do not know and may be scammed for trusting others too much.