31-07-2015, 07:37 PM
L20H38 越南花園 WLs/FRs
L20H38 WLs/FRs
G1 : #78; #96; #122; #127; #132; #134; #137; #138; #207;
G2: #103; #143; #160;
G3: #159; #218;
G4: #108;
G7: #105;
G8: #116; #131; #194; #221;
G9: #126; #155;
G10: #183; #244;
G15: #180; #185; #187; #192; #219;
G16: #145; #147; #149; #163; #230;
G17: #146; #156; #171; #181; #201;
G18: #148; #190; #193; #200; #232;
G19: #180; #186; #189; #246;
Disclaimer: Not OKT. No connection with L20H38. Also pays $50.
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"
Life is short; Be happy: Live Life to the Fullest
Minimum 3 pts for exchange